chapter nine

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when the weekend eventually rolled around, jungkook had gone out to run some errands and taehyung had decided to stay behind, wanting to just relax for a little while on his own. the thing about taehyung, though, is that he was really bad at keeping himself occupied. within the first ten minutes of jungkook leaving, he was already bored out of his mind. he stared at the clock, groaning at the realization that jungkook probably wouldnt be home for a few hours. 

while trying to figure out just what to do with himself, he remembered something he had purchased months ago. it was a bottle of dark army green nail polish, that he had hesitantly bought at a convenience store a while back, but had never gotten around to using. he always wanted to try and paint his nails, but had always backed out and decided against it due to embarrassment. as he looked that the nail polish in his hand, he shrugged to himself. why not?

it took a couple tries for taehyung to get a steady pace of painting his own nails, but he eventually figured it out, and by the time he was done it actually looked pretty decent. he grinned widely to himself as he held his hands out, looking at each of his nails. they were shiny and glinted in the light, and taehyung really liked them. he wasnt even embarrassed of it anymore. in order to properly let his nails dry with no interruptions, he settled on watching television for the remainder of the time.

when jungkook arrived home, the first thing taehyung heard was, "im home babe!" as jungkook walked into the kitchen, hands full of grocery bags. taehyung rushed over to give him a hand, grabbing some of the bags and helping him put the food away. while taehyung was about to put a can of soup in the cabinet, jungkook stopped him and gently took his hands. "did you- did you paint your nails?" he asked, and taehyungs face turned red, but he nodded anyway.

jungkook looked at him, an unreadable expression on his face. "will- uh- will you do mine?" he asked, his face breaking out into a smile as soon as he said it. taehyung nodded quickly, "yeah of course." he smiled back, and jungkook kissed him swiftly before going back to putting food away. taehyung would be lying if he said he wasnt nervous about jungkook seeing his nails, but he now knows that jungkook doesnt judge him in any way, and that alone made him happier than ever.

when they finished up the groceries, taehyung sat jungkook down on the couch and had him lay out his hands, so he could paint them. taehyung made sure they werent too messy, and when he was done he told jungkook firmly that he had to let them dry and if he messed them up then taehyung would personally beat him up. jungkook laughed at that but listened anyway, because he wouldnt want to mess them up either.

as they both sat on the couch together waiting patiently for jungkooks nails to dry, jungkook couldnt help but think about how lucky he was to have taehyung. even after he messed things up between them, and he was distant, and didnt have time to spend with him, taehyung was still there and he still loved him through it all. jungkook knew he didnt deserve a person as wonderful as taehyung truly was, but he wanted him anyway. "i love you." jungkook sighed and leaned into taehyungs body. taehyung looked at him for a moment before saying, "i love you too." and settling back into jungkook just like they always did. 


a/n a quick chap bc ya know the high school life kills (im sorry if this was bad and excuse any typos im supposed to be doing hw oka y)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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