17. Me Without You

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I woke up on Saturday because of the blinding sun beaming through the window. I sit up smiling, noticing the absence of Lucas. I hop out of bed and head to the kitchen, where sure enough, Lucas stood.

Clearly, Lucas sensed I was there because he spoke to me without ever turning around.

"Do you realize that we only have two days left of this little field trip?" Lucas said. I gasped and looked at the calendar. Sure enough a big red circle was drawn on the date two boxes from today.

"Oh my gosh!" My hands cover my mouth. "It's been so wild. First came Zach, then you liked me, then Noah came along, and all of his stupid tricks with him, and now you and I are closer than ever."

"I know, where has the time gone?" Lucas sighed.

"What are we gonna do about our parents? And the kids at school? And all of the–" Lucas cut me off with a swift kiss on the lips.

"What my parents think doesn't matter. What your parents think doesn't matter. What the other kids at school think does not matter. We matter, how we feel for each other matters. That's it." I sighed and crawled into his arms. He led me to the couch where we sat, lost in the embrace.

"I'm scared." I admitted. Lucas looked at me with fear and sadness in his strong green eyes.

"There's nothing to be scared of, Maya." He assured me, cuddling me towards him even more.

"I don't know what I would have done without you, Lucas. You're the sun in my day. What would I do without you?" I pecked his lips and grinned as he blushed.

"A bunch of the people are going in the pool today. We should join them." Lucas smirked, I stared at him in shock.

"You're joking right? It's nearly January! Do you realize that the pool is probably solid ice?!" I ranted as Lucas chuckled.

"That's why it would be so fun!" He exclaimed. I groaned and got changed as he clapped his hands happily. Few minutes later, we walked down together.


Two more boys jumped in the pool. From what I could tell I didn't know them. Maybe it was Dave and Yogi? I have no clue.

Most of the girls, the ones that actually came of course, sat in the hot tub away from the ice cold pool. Some of the boys were trying to lure them into the freezing water, but they didn't buy into it.

"Maya!" Someone was calling me from the pool deck. I didn't even glance up. No way was I going in that pool. "Maya!" They called again. This time, out of curiosity, I looked up.

Lucas was calling me, Shirtless and in swim trunks, from the diving board. He waggled his eyebrows and pointed at the pool.

"No way, Cowboy!" I yelled, laughing. Most of the other girls chuckled and some of the guys smirked.

Another splash, Charlie dove in. Lucas called me again, and I replied with the same answer. I was wearing a plain black one piece which I was already freezing in. If he thought I was jumping in, he had another thing coming.

"Maya, please?" He jumped once on the diving board, tempting fate. I shook my head and looked away. I heard the diving board shake again. No way. There was a splash and, finally, I looked up. No Lucas. Phew, no more temptations. Lucas popped his head up, not even shivering.

"The water's fine, Pancake!" He shouted, I gritted my teeth.

"Don't call me that, Huckleberry." Now he was making me mad. I doubt he knew it, but he was.

"Come on, Short stack!" He called again. My face flushed.

"Stop it, I said!" I yelled back. He still had no clue.

"Let's go, Shorty!" He taunted.

"That is it!" I yelled. "Hop-a-long, you saddle up your nosy little cowboy butt and mosey on back to your little home town before I kick you there." I yelled before stomping off, grabbing my towel on the way. Some guys 'ooh'ed, some guys yelled 'roasted!', but the girls stood there shocked, I never got that mad, except for the time when Riley had taken Lucas' side when he called me a short stack of pancakes the first time.

Then there was Lucas. He just stood there in the water, looking guilty and afraid, as I trudged into the building, wrapped in a towel, and mad as heck.


I sat in Riley's room, glaring at a wall. Riley was out with Farkle, but I had a key to her room. There was no way that I was going back to my room, Lucas might be there, and I was not in the mood for more taunting.

There was a knock and the door. I looked up, I hadn't expected Riley and Farkle to be back by now. I walked over and opened the door, looking straight into the eyes of the man I didn't want to see.

"Hey, baby girl." Noah cooed.

"Not in the mood." I muttered simply. I slammed the door in his face. Another knock. "I said no!" I screamed.

"And I say yes! You can't tell me what to do, princess!" He yelled back.

"Well I'm sure as heck not letting you in!" I told him. I heard a huff and a shuffle of feet and then silence. I swear if he comes back, I'll kill him. I'm done with his crap!

Ten minutes later, another knock.

"That's it!" I yelled and swung open the door. "You?!" I screamed.

"Maya, why are you so....mad?" Lucas asked sheepishly.

"Why am I mad? Let me think, you insulted me, called me short, then I came here for some quiet and Noah shows up, telling me what I can and can't do, then here you are, after all of that you expect me to not be mad?! How did you even know I was here?" I asked him, my eyes full of fire.

"I saw Noah walking down the hall. I figured he wouldn't be up here if you weren't so I walked to Riley's room and here you are." He blushed, "I didn't mean to insult you, Maya. I was teasing."

"It wasn't funny!" I fumed. "You exposed a really deep insecurity of mine and now I'm a wreck!"

"I'm sorry, Maya. I really am. I'll never do that to you again." He said simply.

"Yeah, you're right you won't. Because I'm not talking to you again!" I almost slammed the door, but he held it open.

"Maya, no! I love you," I was shocked to here him say it, but I didn't show it. "You're the world to me! If you went away I don't know what I'd do! I'll never treat you wrong again, Maya. Please give me another chance!" I didn't answer. So he continued. "Have you ever imagined your life without me? I've imagined mine without you. It scares me to death to think about if I had never met you or if you never existed. My life would be awful. No joy,
no laughter, no love. Because you bring all of those things into my life. You are my joy. You make me laugh. You cause me to love. Because I love you. Please, Maya." He finished. I was astounded. I blushed slightly and looked at the ground.

"That was one heck of an apology." I smiled and threw myself into his arms.


okay, don't hate me but I'm thinking about ending the book soon.

i love you guys❤️

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