18. He's Gone

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I forgave Lucas. Riley and Farkle came back. I actually went in the pool. We shopped. Nothing much happened that day until night time.


Farkle and Riley held hands as they walked in front of Lucas and I down the street. This city doesn't sleep but it seemed deserted as we walked down the sidewalk, two days before the new year.

In New York people get attacked and mugged all the time at night, but standing next to Lucas I felt safe. We walked past a dark alleyway. Nothing was there. We walked past another. Nothing. The third was more interesting. 3 people were fighting. One had a knife, the other was struggling with a gun, and the third was defenseless, backed against the wall.  . The man with the knife lunged and the defenseless man dodged. The second man still struggled with his gun. The third man threw a punch, hitting the knife guy. The defenseless guy took the knife and stabbed one man. Now it was one-on-one. The gunman finally got a hang of his gun as the former defenseless guy lunged.


The gunman walked away unharmed. The other man fell to the ground.

Though I didn't know the man, I gasped and ran to his aid. Lucas and Farkle and Riley followed.

"Oh my goodness, Sir, are you okay?" I asked him, falling to my knees beside him.

The man, I couldn't make out his features in the dark, coughed up a dark, sticky, warm fluid. Blood.

"I was attacked by two members of my crew." The guy sounded young and weak. I almost sobbed at the loss of an unknown young man.

"I'm so sorry," A tear streaked down my cheek, "Where did he shoot you?" I asked.

He coughed again.

"R-ribs." He stuttered. I felt and he winced. Sure enough a dark mark was spreading across his chest. "I don't know what happened. The mafia's never attacked me before." His voice was familiar. Who did I know that worked for a mafia? I put the pieces together.

"Noah!" I yelled, afraid. And not of him, for once I was afraid for him. "Oh my gosh!" I sobbed, applying pressure to his wound. "Noah, no!" I screamed.

"Princess?" He asked.

"Yes, It's me! Please don't die!" I sobbed hysterically, grabbing his arms with my hands.

"Maya, this guy has hurt you! You want him dead don't you?" Lucas yelled, he was furious.

"Lucas, how could you say that?! He's dying! Right in front of you? There's not even a tinge of guilt in your body?" I yelled through sobs.

"No! Maya, he hurt you! If I'm not the one who killed him then no. I don't feel any guilt." He said, crossing his arms and walking out of the alleyway.

"Please, don't die, Noah. Please don't!" I begged, shaking him. He coughed again.

"Princess, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I don't deserve you. I know that. Don't act so good to me after what I've done to you. I don't deserve it. Don't miss me too much." He laughed, or as much as he could.

"No, don't think like that! You're going to live, Noah. Please, live, please." I said shakily, my sobs overwhelmed my body and I screamed. "You were the first person I ever loved! Please don't die. Not here! Not before you can fix whatever mistakes you've made and find a person to love you! Please don't die now!" I shake him again and again, but he doesn't stop coughing.

"I can't fix the mistakes I've made now. It's over, princess. I'm not gonna live for more than a couple minutes so let me explain something to you. I never stopped loving you since the day I saw you. I admit that I was extremely lustful and I'm so sorry," cough "You deserve better than me. You deserve someone that would stay with you. I found you after all of these years and I desperately wanted you. Not just your body. You. I didn't tell you that. I should have. It would have made things seem better than what they looked like. I'm sorry, princess. You were my first and only love. I lusted after plenty girls but you sticked. My love, I want the best for you. I can't right all of my wrongs but I can try and right this one. Don't forgive me. You don't need to. Just know that I love you. You shouldn't be crying over me. You should be dancing on my grave. All I ask is for you to know that I really and truly loved you. With all my heart," cough "Remember that day in middle school when Amanda called you a slut? I found her after school and flung her into the garbage can. I shouldn't have, I know it was bad, but she hurt you. I couldn't stand and watch. When I told that Zach kid went home? That wasn't true either. I saw him lusting after you and I was jealous, I beat him up pretty badly and sent him on his merry way. I know." cough "That wasn't the right response. It was an impetuous reaction. Maya, I am so sorry. You deserve that Luke guy," cough "He'll make you happy." cough "Maya, my body's dying now. But my soul was dead a long time ago. When I traded it for the playboy life. I am truly sorry. I love you, Maya." cough "Please don't miss me."

He stopped coughing. He stopped moving. I didn't. It all happened in a blur.

I screamed and shook him. I sobbed and collapsed on his bloody body. I held him and told him how I loved him. I did love him. I used to. He was a big part in my life. I screamed for him to come back. I shrieked at him, telling him his life shouldn't be over. I shook from the tears that cascaded off of my cheeks. I sobbed and screamed and shook and held him. I knew that I shouldn't be this emotional over a guy who used me for his lustful desires. But he had loved me. I had loved him. He was my first boyfriend.

"Don't go! Noah, come back! I forgive you! Please come back!" I shrieked, clutching his chest. "You deserve happiness with someone who loves you! You just need time! Noah, come back!" I broke down, collapsing once more on his chest. He didn't even wince. I screamed, people wouldn't care about one life gone. This city wouldn't even think twice about the death of a white boy in an alley. I sobbed for another ten minutes.


"Noah?" I lifted my head. He hadn't moved. It was Farkle.

"Maya, no, he's dead." I sobbed again. "We should go." Farkle held out his hand for me to take.

"I can't leave him like this! He deserved better than a death this young! He could've righted his wrongs, Farkle! Please!" I shrieked. Farkle lifted me up. I fought and fell back on top of Noah. Farkle wasn't strong enough to hold me. Another person picked me up from the ground. This time no matter how hard I fought or shrieked or clawed or kicked, they wouldn't let go. I fought for Noah. I screamed his name. I shouldn't have shown him mercy. But a part of me still loved the little devil. I broke away from the person long enough to tear a candle out of my purse and set it next to him.

"There you go, Noah." I sobbed, holding his hand. "You always said sweet pea was your favorite candle scent." tears flowed freely down my face and onto his chest. "No you can smell it in Heaven. I know your soul is good. I know it." And with that I cried. I got up and walked away, crying. I walked back to the hotel. Still crying. I turned on the news once in the room.

"Teenage boy found dead. Shot in the ribs next to a man who was stabbed to death, more to come after–"

They found him.

"Good bye, Noah. I'll never forget you."


Some of you may not be sad about Noah's death. I don't even know if I am. Maya was showing her human said. She always tries to be strong. But she broke down over the sight of an old friend dying. She's human everyone. I'm quite fond of this chapter.

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