3. This? Is our room?

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"Welcome to the Hotel!" Mr. Matthews announces to the Freshman class. Every chaperone had been assigned a class, Mrs. Broash had been assigned the Seniors, Mr. Flake was Juniors, Mrs. Gardner was Sophomores, and finally Mr. Matthews the Freshman.

The small group of Freshman gazed up in awe at the huge hotel. The windows were shiny and reflective, the building itself was very similar. Mr. Matthews started handing out key cards for the rooms. He handed Lucas our key card and when I tried to grab it from him, he pulled it away. I pouted.

"Hey. Why can't I hold it?"

"Because, Maya, you're notorious for losing things, and this is the only key card we have." Lucas explains, laughing a little.

"Whatever." I huff and stick in my headphones, charging towards the front doors.

"Maya! Maya, please don't be mad!" Lucas calls, I ignore him, but I'm sure he thinks I can't hear him. That's the beauty of wearing headphones.

Room 816, must be the eight floor. I reason.

I press the button labeled 8, rather roughly actually...sorry button. The elevator doors slide closed and I can feel the elevator beginning its quick ascent. The elevator stops suddenly and I jolt forwards. The doors slide open and I jump out, walking along the long hallway to my room.

804, 806, 808...

I came to a fork in the road, er, hallway. I turned right and went along the wall.

824, 826, 828...

No no no, that's too much.

I turn around and start tracing the wall the opposite way. Finally, after a few minutes of confusion and wandering, I reach the room labelled 816.

Thank goodness, that took a long time.

When I reach the door, I jiggle the little handle, when it doesn't open, I groan.

Lucas has the stupid key card.

I huff annoyed and slouch against the door. As I lean, I start to play a game on my phone to pass the time.

click click click

The sound of shoes in the hallway jerks my attention away from my screen.

Cowboy boots.

Lucas rounds the corner and smiles when he sees me. I don't return his smile but he doesn't care, he just pushes past me and unlocks our door. I can't help but gasp when I look into our room.

It's huge! The room in front of me has two chairs and one couch, and one television. The kitchen area had a full kitchen set, excluding the stove. Then came the bedrooms. Or should I say, bedroom. There were two queen sized beds in the bedroom. They had a neutral brown comforter and matching pillows and throw blankets. This room too has a TV and a bathroom connected to it. There is not a window in the bedroom, only a sliding door that blocks out light. Perfect for bedtime. We walk back into the living room, observing the window-wall. It gave us an eagles-eye view of the city. Tiny colorful cars zoomed below, filled with purposeful people doing purposeful things going purposeful places. Unlike me. I'm just a kid. On a field trip. What's more un-purposeful than that?!
The sun started to sink in the sky and gave the buildings a beautiful dark skyline silhouette. Stars began to sprinkle the sky and the moon provided light for the city. The buildings sparkled under the moonlight. It's funny to think that from down there in the city you wouldn't be able to see the stars. But from way up here the rest of the world is so...distant. Like it's just me and the stars.

"So...are you tired?"

And Lucas...

"Yeah, I could sleep." I say, walking into the bedroom. I rush to the bathroom, unpacking my loads of makeup and toiletries. I quickly brush my teeth, then put on my acidic oil-free astringent acne away. After another ten minutes or so, I exit the bathroom, fully clothed in my favorite comfy pajamas. The long, pink flannel pants and loose, white shirt provide a comfortable yet decently cute outfit.

I jump onto the far bed, letting it bounce me up and down from the impact of my body. I crawl under
the covers, clutching the edges with my cold hands. I adjust to the warmth, loving the feeling of the warm covers surrounding me. I clothes my eyes, half asleep already.

"Goodnight, Maya." Lucas whispers, positioning himself in a comfortable position in his bed. I smile, feeling the warmth rush to my cheeks.

"Goodnight, Lucas."

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