"GET OFF OF HIM!" I screamed to Jason, as he attacked Justin. He threw Justin's whole body on the hard wood floors, and began to punch him everywhere. Me and my freshly manicured nails tried our best to help Justin and remove Jason from him. Why can't he just leave us alone?
"Jason stop!" He surprisingly listened. He rose up from Justin's almost unconscious body, while I dropped down on the floor to see if my boyfriend was okay. He was a wreck everywhere. Jason beat him bloody. Gosh, This is all my fault.
"Nicki get up! NOW!" He grabbed my arm and picked me up so I couldn't be eye to eye level with Justin anymore. I started to see regret on Jason's face when he looked down at the damage he has caused with his brother. That's a look i haven't seen before.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I semi-screamed. "You see what you've done? To your own brother? You need help Jason!" I could literally see me breaking down his self esteem piece by freaking piece.
Justin started to cough from all the blows taken to the head.
"What.....happened...." he coughed and tried to catch his breath in between the words. He looked at Jason then at me, then back at Jason, with the nastiest, deadliest look I've ever seen Justin make. He was heated.
"Why are you always trying to ruin my life huh? Why? I'm done trying to please you, I'm done being afraid of you, I'm done with YOU." He looked Jason right in the eye and said those words.
"Mom is always talking so highly of you right? Always talking about what a 'tough boy' you are. Fuck you jason. You betrayed everyone you 'loved'..." he put up air quotes, "even your first girlfriend right?"
What? First girlfriend? Jason told me I was his first REAL relationship......what's going on here? I asked exactly that.
"First girlfriend? You're talking about Shay?....Jason you told me you never really dated her, that she was just a fling?"
"No, Onika. Not Shay." Wait, what? "Jason knows what I'm talking about huh jase?"
I look at justin and he has the cockiest smirk on his face, I look at Jason, and he looks pissed but I see a lot of guilt on his face. Like he's been hiding something. Something very important.
"Yo, you shut the hell up right now before I-" Jason walked in justins face with his finger pointing at his chest. Justin wasn't having it. He moved Jason's finger away from him as quick at Jason put it up.
"Oh brother stop it. You know exactly what I'm talking about....don't you?" There Justin goes with that cocky smirk.
"Alright what's going on here?" I've had enough. I need to know wtf is going on.
"Listen babe, I-" before Jason could finish, Justin blurts our something that I would never guess in a million years...
"JASONHASASECRETBABYTHATNOBODYKNOWSABOUTBUTME" Justin said so fast I could barely understand him.
"Wait what-" I confusingly said.
"Jason, has a baby, that nobody knows about, but me." He said a lot slower. What in the fuck is going on?
Jason stood there. Not saying a word. Looking dumbfounded. Speak nigga.
I turn to him. I give him the most hurtful look I could give him.
"Really? Really Jason? Lies after lies after lies with you huh? Always......always. Wow...... a baby?"
He just looked so stupid and hurt and dumb. A baby? I would of never guessed that was his secret.
I walked away and he tried to grab me to explain. But no, I didn't want to hear another second of his lying mouth.
"Nic, wait lemme explain." He grabbed my arm but when he spun me around my other hand spun and hit him in the jaw. Oh Jesus. I just punched Jason McCann bieber in the fucking jaw. I walked away after that. I didn't even care. Fuck him. This whole "relationship" was a lie. The entire thing.
"You got 10 seconds to get the fuck out. Or I call the police. And you know what happened last time they were called. GO!" I hear Justin say.
From the steps I can see Jason running out with a bloody jaw. I'm just so sick of the lies from his ass. I look at justin as he goes to close the door.
"A baby?" I walk away with the most painful look on my face. I feel betrayed, angry, hurt. I feel numb. This really hurts. I really loved Jason and he walked all over me. He didn't care about me. He cared about his reputation and what people would say if they saw him with the prettiest most popular girl. He never loved me like he told me he did. It was all bullshit.
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"You okay?" I hear Justin's voice. I look up and see Justin in the doorway of Stacy's guest room.
"I'm sorry you had to hear it like-" he sits on the bed next to me and looked at me.
"No, I'm glad I found out this way. Now I really know what kind of pig he is." I look at Justin.
"Now we can really start our lives together clean slate. Fuck Jason. He's the least of our concerns or worries alright?" I took his hand and looked deep in his eyes.
"Okay baby." Justin said with the biggest grin on his face. His pearly whites on full display.
"Just me and you now. No worries." I said as he took me and laid me in his arms. I relaxed as he rocked us back and forth.
"Just me and you" Justin said softly in my ear.
We're happy. I just hope it stays that way.
CHILEEEE CHILE CHILE! How tf have y'all been? I haven't updated in 4 years lmfao. Pls tell me if you liked this chapter.
Ps I wonder who/what/where this mystery child of Jason is lmaoooo nigga got 5011 chillenssss? 💀 *Beyonce voice* (Next chapter is longer) Update?