Chapter 15

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Daryl POV
This ride is akward. She's just sittin there lookin out the window. She should talk to me. Or maybe I should talk to her. Ugh just forget it, women are  so complicated.

Jena POV
Would he just talk to me! Why so complicated. He has to make things akward. I mean I would talk but he needs to learn how to start a conversation.

Might as well just take a nap. Hes boring me anyways.

#Time skip#

We have arrived at the cdc. Im getting out of the truck when i hear a walker moan. I quickly turn around and come face to face with a walker. An arrow goes through its head. I spin around and see Daryl holding his crossbow. I nod in thanks and walk up to the door. Rick starts beating on the door wanting it to open. Daryl whistles and I spin around. I see a herd of walkers so i yell at Rick to come on.

"The camera it moved!" Rick screamed.

"Come on brother, your just seeing things" Shane says trying to get Rick to move.

"Your killing us" Rick yells.

Right as Rick turns around we hear the door open.We quickly run inside.

"Why are you here" a dude with a gun ask.

"We want a chance" Rick says.

"That's askin an awful lot these days" the dude says.

"I know. Names Rick Grimes" Rick says sticking out his hand.

"Dr. Jenner. The price of admission is a blood test. Yal up for that" Jenner ask.

"Sure" Rick says.

We walk into a room with a dentist chair. He motions for Rick to sit down.Jenner sticks a needle in Rick's arm. He does that to eveyone until it's my turn. I look at Rick and he gets Daryl and Glenn to stand beside me. He whispers something to them and they nod. They place their hands on my knees and shoulders. Rick grabs my hand. He knows I am deathly afraid of needles. Once when I was little I had a panic attack because of one. Jenner cleanes the needle and starts to put it in my arm. I shake and scream causing eveyone to look at me like I'm crazy. Rick looks at me with a reassuring smile. Jenner pulls the needle out and I go to stand up. I slip back and luckily Daryl catches me. Jenner looks confused and Rickd explains how we haven't eatin in days.

"I can fix that. Follow me" Jenner says.

We follow him into a cramped elevator. He pushes the button and looks at all of us.

"You all look pretty harm less." He pauses. "Except you. I'm going to have to keep and eye on you" He says looking at Carl making him chuckle.

#End of Chapter. 491 words.I know nothing exciting happened but just be patient. And I might not update tomorrow because I'm getting braces. Well until next time BYEEEEEEEE#

Daryl Dixon (Ricks sister)Where stories live. Discover now