Chapter 27

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Jena POV

After my kiss with Daryl I decide to go outside. I see everyone sitting around the small fire pit we made. Only Rick is no where in sight. Please tell me he isn't doing anything stupid. I decide to aproach Lori she probably knows.

"Hey Lori do you know where Rick is" I ask.

"No sorry" she says.

I huff and walk away. Maybe taking a walk will clear my mind. After all I was shot I need the exercise. The

On a unrelated note I think Lori is cheating on Rick. The way she looks at Shane scares me. Just like at the CDC Shane had marks on him and just glared at Lori the whole time. There is something going on between them and I'm going to find out.

Maybe instead of taking a walk I can ask Maggie if I can ride a horse. It's been ages but I think I'll be fine. I start heading towards the house. When I walk in I notice Maggie is in the kitchen.

"Hey um Maggie, do you mind if I take a horse for a stroll. I havnt been riding in ages and I need to clear my head" I say.

"Of course. Just make sure you put the horse up when you're done" she says.

"Mam yes mam" I say while raising my hand up to my head.

She just laughs and waves me off. I walk out if the kitchen and head for the stabels. When I go in there I see Dale and Hershel.

"Um hey" I say.

The both turn around. Their faces looked shocked to see me.

"Umm. I asked Maggie if I could rode a horse. She said it was okay but is it fine with you" I say.

"Your welcome to ride anytime you like" Hershel says with a genuine smile.

"Thank you" I say.

I grab a saddle and pick a horse. Shes grey with white spots.

"Your a pretty girl arnt ya" I say.

She neighs softly. I always wanted a pet horse when I was younger. My parents never got me one because it was "to expensive"

I finish saddling her up and hop on. Hershel has an impressed look on his face while Dale just looks plainly shocked.

"I loved horses. Always wanted one" I say while petting her head.

"Well I can see she likes you" Hershel says.

"Thanks and I'll be back soon" I say.

He nods and the horse trots off. When we exit the barn I go near our camp. Maybe I should show off a bit.

"Woah, hey Jena" Rick says. There he is.

"Hey. Where were you earlier" I ask.

"I was talking to Hershel" He says.

"Oh, well ima go ride. Feel free to watch me and my awesomeness" I say with a smirk.

He laughs and I look back up.

"Hiyah" I yell.

The horse starts running. Soon we come upon a fence. I keep going straight, the horse jumps and we land on the other side. I continue to ride.

#2 hour time skip#

It's dusky dark and I decide to put the horse up. When I near the barn I slow to a trot. We get inside and I hop off. The horse knows to stay still. I lift the saddle up and put it away. As I look around the room  i notice a brush. I pick it up and brush the horse. When im done I put the horse in its stabel.

When I walk back out I notice eveyone is outside. I notice Glenn stand up. His breathing is quicking. As I get in voice distance I barely hear him say, "theres walkers on the barn and Loris pregnant".

"What" I scream.

They snap their heads back to me looking surprised. Could this be a good day. I just want one good day.

#End of chapter. 652 words. Hope you enjoyed. Comment what you think. Until Next time BYEEEEEEEE#

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