Chapter Sixteen

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When Dharma returned that night, she wasn’t alone.

There was a young woman with her.

They seemed lively enough.

I stood in the hallway.

They looked at me.

Dharma looked more normal.

The woman had golden colored eyes, almost glowing yellow in the darkness.  Her face was open and friendly, so full of life and joy.  She was shorter than Dharma by an inch and a half; she was thin but with a voluptuous form.

Something about her made me cautious.  I don’t know what it was.   I mean, physically she looked young and nice and inviting, she wasn’t strong looking. She looked kind of weak and defenseless.   But that was the same thing that made me be aware of my exits.

“Johnathon.”  Dharma said.

The woman smiled and stepped forward by Dharma’s side.  Her light brown hair was caught in a ponytail, the curls cascading down her left shoulder.

Her mind was blocked and I knew that she knew about me and that made me uneasy.

“This is Thera.”  Dharma said.

“Hi Johnathon.  It’s nice to meet you.”  Thera said sticking out a hand.

I took it cautiously.

“Uh, nice to meet you too.  I’m guessing that Dharma didn’t bring you here for me.”  I said.

Thera stepped back in place beside Dharma and laughed a high and pleasant laugh.  It almost made me smile.

“She is my friend and she can help us against the others.”

I frowned at Dharma.

“But she’s human.”  I explained.

“Yes, she is mortal.”

“Then how is she going to help?”

“She’s also a wolf.”


“I turn into a wolf.”  Thera explained. 

I had the urge to shiver every time I heard the word ‘wolf’.

“Basically, I am human and normal looking but I can alter myself physically and mentally to resemble that of a wolf's.  Part of me is still aware of whom I am and everything I know but the animal has main charge of where I go and what I do.  Like you, I know everything I do and those I hurt to satisfy my hunger.”

“So you change on a full moon or how does it work?”

“Actually, I will myself to change.  I don’t need a full moon; it doesn’t even have to be at night.”

“So you basically have perfect control over yourself?”

“Not perfect control.  I mean, sometimes I change even if I don’t want to and I can’t control who I kill, not like you can.”

“And how do you know that the poison won’t hurt her?”

“It’s designed for vampires.  It’s very simple actually.  They’ve mixed some pretty powerful drugs like morphine, sleeping pills, cocaine, ecstasy, and a whole lot of muscle relaxants.  Your blood needs to be pure as does that of your victims, now what these injections do is that they begin to poison your blood.  Controlled dosages won’t hurt you; they will eventually leave your system.  That’s why they were able to help you.  But larger dosage can be lethal and since your whole system will be poisoned, the other won’t be able to help you, unless they take a great risk.”

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