Chapter Seventeen

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“I thought you said this would work!”

Marcus and I glanced at each other.

“Well, it’s not!”

“You have to do something!”

“What do you want me to do?  WHAT!”  Thera screamed.

“ANYTHING!  He’s dying Thera!  Damn you Johnathon.  Why do you have to be so damn impulsive and stupid?”

She started crying.

Catherin helped Dharma out of the room.

I looked away as my eyes started filling.

I walked into the room where Johnathon was.

“How is he?”

Thera’s exhausted eyes looked up at me.

“Not good.  I’ve done everything I can, he’s not responding to anything.  I don’t even think he’s alive anymore.”

My heart contracted.

“His heart is barely beating.  I think it may be a few minutes.”

Marcus barged in.

At first I thought he would yell and make demands, but he just looked down at our pale friend.

Then he did something I had never seen him do.

He bent and kissed Johnathon on the forehead and cried.

They all came in, one by one to see him one more time.

“Dharma.”  Thera began.

Dharma held up her hand and walked over and hugged her.

Then she kissed Johnathon and we stood there, waiting for the end.

“What do you think happens now?”  I asked.

Marcus looked at me.

“I don’t know.”

We were all pretty subdued.

We had buried Johnathon that morning.

He lay next to his old grave.

“I think this is the end.”  I said staring at the freshly dug earth and the new headstone.


I looked at him disbelievingly.

“Twice she’s lost him now.  What more is there?”

“The third, the fourth.”


“She’s too stubborn to end it.  You know she is.”  He looked at me, hope and fear in his eyes.

I think that it was the way he wanted it to be, but there was doubt in him.

“I think I would have kept Christina alive to kill her slowly, day by day.”  I said feeling my blood boil.

His body stiffened at the mention of her name.

“I’m glad that bitch is dead.  I would have ripped her limbs but I guess knowing that you killed the man you loved is enough.”

“It’ll have to be.”  Catherin said joining us.

She placed fresh flowers over his grave then grabbed Archie in her arms, hugging him to her as if that would make her feel better.

“I’m scared.”  I blurted out.

Marcus didn’t say anything.

I felt Catherin’s hand on my arm.

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