Broken Leg (Part Two)

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It had been a month since Link had saved you from the ReDeads, but still, your leg had not healed. Everything else was back to normal. It was hard to get around. Crutches sucked. Whenever you saw one of your friends, they wanted to try the crutches. What did they expect? Did they expect it to be "cool" or "fun"? This made you not want to talk to people in person. Link was fine though. He wasn't annoying you about your leg or anything. He was actually helping.

"Y/n?" Link knocked on your door. Even though you two shared a house, you weren't ready for the same bedroom.

"Come in!" You said. You were reading your favorite book.

Link opened the door and sat next to you on your bed. "Do you want some hot cocoa?"

"Yes please!"

"Good thing I already made it." Link smiled.

"Can we watch a movie while drinking it?" You asked.

"Of course. Which movie?"

"Uhh, how about f/m?" (favorite movie)

"Sure! Put your book down so we can go to the living room."

You put your book down and then started to grab your crutches.

"No need for those." Link said, picking you up bridal style. He then carried you into the living room and set you down on the couch. "I'll go grab the hot chocolate."

You watched as Link walked into the kitchen. You wanted to help get the movie started, but Link hadn't brought your crutches to the living room. Well, why not try walking without help? Over the past month you had tried, but with no luck. You stood up, slowly. And then you took a step, and another. You were walking! It hurt, but it was better than nothing. You grabbed the movie disc and put it into the blu-ray player. Then you turned the television on and grabbed the remote. You sat back down on the couch, making sure to pause the movie when it started so Link wouldn't miss anything.

That's when you looked in the doorway. Link was standing there, holding the two mugs.

"How long were you there?" You asked, surprised.

"Long enough to see you walk." Link walked over to the couch and sat down, handing the mug to you.

You smiled, and then played the movie.

"I love you Link." You said, resting your head on his shoulder.

"I love me too." He replied.

You playfully punched him in the arm, and then continued watching the movie with him.

Gonna go make another chapter!!! Thanks for reading! XD

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