Wind Waker

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Link was your fictional character crush. You always daydreamed about you and him together, but you never thought it would actually happen. You knew he was only fictional, so you and him weren't possible. Oh boy were you wrong.

You just got home from school. You walked into your room and threw your bag down. You immediately turned your GameCube on and put in Wind Waker. You were so excited to start playing this game again. It was one of your favorites. You played it so long ago, you didn't even remember most of it.

The intro played. You watched in horror as you saw the legend of what happened to Hyrule. When you saw Aryll calling Link's name you wanted to tell her to be careful. Of course, you knew what was going to happen to her. Finally, when you were first able to control Link you realized you were hungry.

You set the controller down next to you and got up. "I'll be back." You told the screen. You went into the kitchen and you grabbed your favorite snack. You loved this snack so much! When you walked back into your bedroom you couldn't believe what you saw. "Link?!"

"Come with me, my princess." He said. You just couldn't believe what was happening. You stared at him in disbelief. Then you pinched yourself. Were you dreaming? Eventually you blacked out.

- - -

When you first woke up you knew something was different. You looked around and you remembered what happened before you passed out. You saw Link! Then you smelled the delicious smell of soup. You were in your bed. That's not where you were when you blacked out.

You got out of bed and you went down to the kitchen. Link was still there, he was pouring the soup into two bowls. "H-how long was I out?" You asked him.

"Just an hour. Your parents still aren't home. I was just about to bring this to you." He says as he hands you the soup. You took it, but you were mostly just looking at how adorable Link was.

"What's your name?" He asked. "I know you know my name." His voice was extremely cute. You had never heard it before. Eventually you realized that you were staring and you looked at your soup and took a bite. It was delicious.

"My name is y/n." You said. "W-why are you here Link?" You were so confused.

"I want to take you to Outset." He said. "The time won't change here, so it doesn't matter how long you're gone." He was blushing.

This was your dream. To go to Link's world. You knew it would be weird, but of course you said yes. "O-okay! Can we go now?" You asked. You and Link had just finished the soup.

Link took you upstairs. You and him walked into the tv screen together. You looked all around Outset. Aryll was there. "Link, don't we need to help Tetra?" You asked. Even though you didn't like Tetra because she wanted to steal Link from you, you knew you couldn't just leave her.

"Not right now." He said. "I want to show you something first." He started blushing again. You blushed too. Link was just too adorable not to love! Embarrassed, you looked down. Then you saw yourself, but you were Wind Waker style! Your hands were so small.

"You look extra cute now, by the way. Follow me." He said. You blushed extra hard and you followed Link. You climbed up onto Aryll's favorite spot. Aryll was there. "Scram." Link told Aryll. Aryll did so.

You and Link sat down and you looked at the endless sea. It was beautiful. Link and you sat there for what seems like an eternity. It was amazing. Eventually Link broke the silence.

"Y/n." Link said, holding your hand. You nodded. "I want to tell you something." Link looked at you directly in your eyes, and you looked back. You saw something in his eyes that you had never seen before. Love.

"I want to tell you something too, Link." You said. Both of your faces were bright red. The space between you both was closing, and you were so many different emotions at once, you couldn't describe it. Your lips met.

It was your first kiss. You would describe it, but that would ruin the memory. It was amazing. So much love was going through the moment, nothing else mattered. You didn't want to leave. The kiss was perfect.

You brought your lips apart. "I love you." You and Link both said at once.

Suddenly, you felt your feet being lifted up into the air. You and Link held hands until you couldn't reach him anymore. You found yourself back in your bedroom, and you were star struck. "Link..." You muttered. You knew it in your heart that you were never going to see him again.

When you got into pajamas that night, you saw a lump in your jeans pocket. You took out the item that was occupying the pocket. At first you were confused. What you saw was a blue rock. Then you remembered. The pirate's charm.

"Link..." You whispered to the stone.

You saw Link's face in the stone, and he smiled at you. You smiled back. You and him both touched the rock, making it look like you were touching hands.

"Y/n..." He whispered back.

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