Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jamie wouldn’t let me sleep. She rushed over to my side where I laid behind the couch and shook my shoulder. “You’re hurt. You might have a concussion and if you sleep you can slip into a coma.”

“That’s ok.” I kept my eyes closed because the magic high was back and everything looked very bright to the point it burned.

Jamie sighed and then yelled, “Dad!”

“Shh! No don’t call him.” I really wish Caleb wasn’t home but Jamie sounded sure he was there and a second later I was sure he was there too. I could feel his presence before he entered the room. I could never explain it but from the moment we met I could always feel him, and just him, it didn’t happen with other werewolves. “Let me die in peace.”

“What happened?” Caleb’s deep voice asked softly. “Jamie, go get me some towels and the kit.” He took her place and kneeled beside me. “Open your eyes Evangeline.” He used his alpha demanding voice.

For some reason I listened. “What color are my eyes?” it was bright but I could make out all his features.

“Black but not like a vampires, there’s a light behind them.”

“It’s the magic. A vampire has flat solid back eyes and it covers the whole eyeball.” I knew only my iris was black because the pupil swelled to max capacity due to the magic. “The coven wants me dragged back home to face sentencing for killing that witch. I tried to go home but the coast wasn’t clear.”

He leaned in closer and sniffed. “You shifted didn’t you?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” I was laying on his floor naked. “No one will know.” He didn’t like me shifting because there was a chance I’d be found out and as a lone wolf I didn’t have protection of a pack. Any wolf could give me trouble without fear of retaliation. “I don’t want to involve you and Jamie. Help me get home and forget you ever saw me.” I gave it a shot but Caleb was as stubborn as they came and in the true alpha sense everything had to be his way. 

“No.” he looked at me with hard blue eyes but other than that his expression stayed masked. He never gave away his thoughts. Jamie stepped back into the room and handed her father the large box containing first aid materials.

“You’re purple everywhere.” Jamie said with a frown and scrunched nose.

“The fight was bad and I was thrown into a tree. I don’t have open wounds.” I eyed Caleb digging through his supplies. I hurt everywhere and didn’t like the idea of being touched.

“Your cheek is busted open, your knuckles are skinned bare and that’s just what I can see.” Caleb said and if I didn’t know better it sounded sarcastic. “Jamie go call Jake and tell him to get here now.” He waited until his daughter was gone before looking at me again. “It’s not safe here.”

I held on to the knot of the blanket and used my other hand to brace my weight to sit up. “What do you mean?”

“The coven knows you helped me and my address isn’t hard to find. At the compound you’ll be safe.”

“No Caleb---”

“I’m not taking you home to die and if I leave you alone that’s what’s going to happen. Now isn’t the time to be stubborn.” He touched his finger tips to my scraped knuckles.

I stared at his hand; it was easier than facing his expression. I didn’t trust my reactions because my body was on overload, everything felt intense and electrifying. “I don’t want to get you in any trouble by helping me.”

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