Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I was growing restless as the morning turned into afternoon and I still hadn’t heard from any of the pack. I started to fear something happened and they were hurt, why hadn’t at least Jared called or showed up?

“It’ll be ok, bad news travels fast.” Kevin was trying to be helpful as we sat together in the living room. “Caleb pointed out he’s been around a long time. It won’t be easy to take someone like him down. How old do you think he is?” he sounded curious as well as bored and hoped any small talk would cure him of it.

I shrugged. “He doesn’t look a day over thirty right? I know that can’t be his real age.” Werewolves consistently regenerated healing any deformity, old age was one, the regeneration kept them in peak condition where they were their strongest and fittest, what we saw now was Caleb’s. Their healing ability reminded me of vampires except they weren’t dead and still aged to a point.  “He wants to help because he feels he owes it to me but we aren’t friends in the least.”

“It looks like he cares.”

“It’s guilt.” I was getting uncomfortable talking about Caleb because of what it made me feel. I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on with Caleb but I knew I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to become dependant on him and yet here I was waiting for his call saying that it’d all be ok. 

Kevin opened his mouth to say something but stopped short when his cellphone rang from inside his pocket. “Hello?”

I wasn’t going to be rude and try to eavesdrop on the other end to hear who it was. He lived his own life and it was none of my business. I got off the couch and went into the kitchen to give him privacy and to grab a cup of coffee.

As I waited for the new pot to brew I thought if I should call Jared for an update. I knew whatever Caleb was up to Jared was by his side. Jake worked pretty crazy hours at the ME’s office and on the Supernatural Crime Force as one of their officers he wasn’t around much with the pack unless it was super important.

Vampires were public and the public needed someone to call when there was a crime or when they were scared. The office was still getting its feet off the ground and they needed Jake. For now Caleb could rely on his third.

I sighed and looked out the window above the sink. The sun was staring to set and the moon became more visible. Since I shifted those months ago I could feel the moon’s presence like a second skin, it became stronger when it was dark out and made my life complicated. It was hard to be at work daydreaming about a run in the forest because the moon was seducing you.

“I understand.” I heard Kevin say from the living room, he ended the call and came into the kitchen. “That was my mom.”

I turned from the sink and looked at him. “How are they doing knowing you’re involved in this mess?”

He was standing there blank faced. “Not too bad since the council dropped the order of retrieval that was placed on both our heads.” Kevin smiled and let his happy mood shine through his features. “Whatever the alpha did must’ve worked.”

I should be happy, I should be smiling and running outside because I was free to do so except I wasn’t happy and I wasn’t smiling. I felt a sense of dread filling my chest, what had Caleb done, what had he risked?

“Evie, you ok?” Kevin walked forward and gripped my shoulders.

“Yeah, I guess a little shocked. I didn’t think the council would let me go free.” I forced a smile past my lips. “I won’t have to call out from work tonight.”

Kevin chuckled. “A great way to celebrate your freedom.”

“It’s what I know.” Outside of work I didn’t have much of a life. “There’s something I have to do. Is there anywhere I can drop you off?”

“Yeah my car is still at the hospital. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go out to dinner with me?”

I felt a little guilty for turning him down, his eyes were hopeful for something that could never be. I couldn’t even be a proper friend to him let alone anything serious. “Maybe another time.”

His lips twisted into a sad grin. “Sure.” He knew that time would never come.

The car ride to the hospital parking lot wasn’t long. I wished Kevin luck and told him to call me if he ever needed anything. I didn’t want to lose touch and maybe down the line when shit wasn’t so hectic we could become better friends.

Instead of being a good employee I decided to track down Caleb first. I knew he wasn’t home because I didn’t see his car when I left with Kevin so I sucked it up and went to the Grayson Pack cabin. I didn’t like to go there too often because of the memories it dragged up. The cabin and forest reminded me a lot of the village the coven witches owned.

I pulled into the driveway and sure enough spotted Caleb’s car. I pulled out my phone and called him, I didn’t want to go inside.

“I’m guessing you want answers.” He must’ve known my number.

“Yes I do and I want them face to face. Come outside.”

“You’ve come all this way? Must be serious.” It sounded like he was trying to tease me but humor and Caleb weren’t something that mixed.

“Now really isn’t the time to be condescending, I’ve had a bad last few days and I might do something stupid and take it out on you.” my voice was tight and I didn’t seem to care about how strong he was or the little pieces he could rip me into. I was pissed and didn’t mind with the filter.

The phone clicked, signaling he hung up on me. Seconds later the front door to the cabin opened and he walked to where I was parked. I got out to meet him.

“You wear thin on a man’s patience.” He said.

“Kevin got a call from his mom telling him the council was dropping the charges on us. I was waiting for you or Jared to call me.”

“I was finishing up here first because I knew our conversation wouldn’t be short.”

I agreed. “Because I want answers.”

Caleb nodded and motioned to the cabin for me to follow. “I’m sure you can agree we shouldn’t be discussing your heritage out in the open.” He had a point and worse; he knew it. I didn’t have a choice but to follow him if I really wanted to know what he offered the coven.

I groaned and followed his long steps back up the pathway and inside the large cabin. I had to remind myself this wasn’t the coven’s compound and it couldn’t hurt me.

The Grayson Pack all called this cabin home, there were enough rooms if they ever needed a place to stay or hide out. If I wasn’t paranoid with memories I’d say it had a warm feeling to it.

Caleb continued through the living room into the kitchen where on top of the table he had a laptop open. “Have a seat. Are you working tonight?”

“I thought about it.” I sat on the chair to his right from the head of the table; I didn’t want this conversation being overheard if anyone else was around. “Do you need me to give Michael something?”

“Actually; Dominic.” He passed me a closed white envelope.

“I’ll head that way when I’m done here.” I placed the envelope behind my back in the waist of my jeans. “What did the coven want from you?”

“Assistance with a problem they were having.”

I stared into his eyes. “You can’t tell me everything.” I realized. “I’m not longer apart of the coven and knowing them they’ve sworn you to secrecy.” I scoffed as I thought back to my ‘family.’ “Is it over now? Will they leave the pack alone?” I’d rather fight my battles by myself and if whatever Caleb did protected the pack than it was worth it.


I stood from the chair, I needed to get out of there. “Thank you. I’ll get this to Dominic now.”

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