Chapter 2

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I gasped in shock. The person on the phone is definitely a guy, but it's hard to tell how old they are. Probably around 17.

"Wh- who is th- this" I asked


"And why would I tell you that?"

I sighed in frustration. "Okay look, whoever you are you need to stop texting me. This isn't funny anymore."

They didn't hesitate to answer.

"No you listen to me. You have something I need. And I will find it. If anything happens to it I will hurt you. That's a promise."

"Look I don't even know what you're talking abo-"

"You have to. He said someone else knew about it. Listen Caroline, if you tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE about this conversation you'll be sorry," he said, cutting me off. His tone is rude and he sounds on edge. With that he hung up, and I dropped my phone in my lap, feeling more confused than I ever have.

Who is he? And what is he looking for?

Before I could think about it any more, I heard someone knocking on the door. I got off the couch and walked over to it slowly, praying it isn't the person on the phone.

They didn't say they know where I live, but my mind led me to believe they do. Whoever it is kept knocking, even harder now, so I grabbed an umbrella out of the basket in the hall.

I continued to make my way over to the door, my pace getting slower and slower. Right as I looked through the windows beside the door I heard the person yell, "Caroline it's Jenna, open the door!"

I dropped the umbrella and sighed with relief. I quickly opened the door and saw my older sister, Jenna, standing there, shivering. I completely forgot it's raining out.

"Thanks for letting me stand in the rain for ten minutes," she said sarcastically. "Hey why is there an umbrella on the floor?"

"I'll tell you later. Why didn't you just unlock the door yourself?"

Taking off her soaking wet jacket and handing it to me, she said, "Hang this up for me will ya? And I forgot my keys." As usual, I thought, rolling my eyes. I went over to the closet to hang up her jacket and let it dry. As I did this, she wandered over to the couch and un-paused the movie I was watching. Normally I would have told her to stop, but it didn't bother me since I have something else on my mind.

After I finished hanging up her jacket, I picked up the umbrella and put it back in the basket.

"Hey, wanna tell me why that was on the floor?"

"I uh didn't know it was you at the door and I had it for protection," I explained quickly. Coming up with lies on the spot is one of the few talents I have.

"Were you scaaared?," she teased.

"No of course not. What if you actually were a crazy serial killer and I didn't have a weapon to defend myself?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows.

"Okay okay, calm down," she laughed. She turned back to the TV and continued watching the movie.

I debated telling her about the person on the phone. They said I shouldn't tell anyone about our conversation or "I'll be sorry." But I tell Jenna everything, so I decided I would tell her about it.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

"Jenna I have to tell you something." I looked over at her and saw her green eyes, identical to mine, focused on the movie. Me and Jenna look so similar that people always think we're twins. We both have dirty blonde hair, but hers is shoulder length and mine is halfway down my stomach. We're also around the same height of 5'6.

Jenna didn't noticed I said anything so even louder I said, "Jenna I have to tell you something." She finally looked over at me.

"What is it?"

I hesitated, looking down at my hands. "So earlier this guy was texting me and- and he was saying these weird things and then he called me and said-" I cut myself off, not sure if I should finish.

"Well what did he say?" Jenna asked, looking very curious. I know I should tell her, she's my own sister. But I just can't. So I said the first thing that came to mind.

"He said he wants to go on a date with me." I cringed right after I said it. Of all the things I could have said, I chose that. I literally want to slap myself.

I guess this whole thing is going to be kept a secret for now.

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