Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning, the events from the night before hit me like a ton of bricks. How in the hell was I supposed to go to school, there's no way I could handle seeing Austin. I never wanted to see that kid again.

I'll admit that he was a good kisser and his apology did seem sincere, but I just wasn't into him like that.

My phone rang, forcing me to get out of bed.


All I could hear was muffled breathing and someone coughing in the background.

"Hello who is this?" I asked.

There was more muffled breathing and then I heard a faint "don't look in the closet."

I slammed the phone on the receiver as fast as I could. My heart started racing and my head started spinning in fear.

I had two options. One, run out of the room as fast as possible and go to Jenna's room, or two, look in the closet.

Although option one sounds the most logical (and least frightening), I decided to look in the closet. I moved towards it slowly and calmly. I reached for the handle, counted to three, and flung the door open. Looking inside, I didn't say anything out of the ordinary and laughed at myself for being so stupid.

But my laughter was cut short when someone jumped out of the closet, put their hands around my mouth and threw me to the ground. I was screaming as loud as I could and trying to get them off of me. Whoever it was was strong and easily kept me pinned to the ground.

I was trying my best to hit them when all of the sudden, I heard someone calling my name.

"Caroline! Caroline wake up you have to get ready for school!"

I shot up in my bed and saw my mom standing over me. "Did you forget to set your alarm?"

"Uh yeah I guess I did. Thanks for waking me up mom."

She gave me a strange look, but then sighed and said, "You better hurry up, you don't want to be late."

"Yeah ok.." My heart was still racing and my palms were sweating. I was relieved that the dream wasn't real but I was still shaken up by it.

I decided not to think about it and get ready for school.

I was out the door by 7 and since my school wasn't too far from my house, I decided to walk.


My day consisted of being forced to learn stupid stuff I'd never need in the future and practically running to my classes so I wouldn't bump into Austin in the hallway.

Luckily, I didn't see him once and the only time I had to talk about the "date" was when Alexa asked me how it went. I lied and told her it went good but I wasn't planning on going on another one with him.

Overall, the day went smoothly. But when the last bell rang and I was walking to the buses, it took a turn for the worse.

I was following behind everyone until I felt someone grab my arm and pull me backwards, causing the textbooks I was carrying to fall to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?" I turned around to see Austin's friend Zach bend down and pick up my books. People had stopped to see what had happened but he just nodded his head to let them know everything was fine.

Over the years I had noticed that Zach hardly ever smiled. I guess it was part of his "I'm too cool for all of you" attitude.

"Listen princess can you keep it down?" he snapped. He shoved my books into my hands and next thing I knew he grabbed my arm again and was pulling me in the opposite direction in which I needed to go.

"But I'm gonna miss my bus! Where are we going?" He didn't answer me, he just kept walking. His grip on my arm tightened a bit, making me wince.

He dragged me all the way to the student parking lot and stopped in front of a silver Lamborghini. Of course. How this kid managed to buy such fancy and expensive things, I'll never know.

"Get in," he demanded.

"No." I crossed my arms over my chest and stayed where I was.

"Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I'd really rather not have to hurt you in front of all these people. Just get in the car." He got in the drivers seat and pushed my door open.

I looked around at everyone getting in their cars and was tempted to scream "help" or start running.

I don't know what it was, but something made me get in the car. I got in the passenger seat and pulled my door shut. He immediately locked it and started driving before I could even get my seatbelt on.

"Where are we going?"

He looked over at me and said, "You ask a lot of questions."

He quickly made it onto the highway and started driving at almost 90 mph.

I grabbed onto the side of the seat in panic. "Can you slow down?!"

He just ignored me and turned the radio up loudly.

I had to find a way to get out of the car. I looked at the car door out of the corner of my eye and saw the lock was similar to the one in my moms car. When I was younger, I would pull the lock thing up and unlock the door, which made my mom angry because she said I was going to break it.

I slowly reached for the lock and just as I started to pull it up, Zach saw what I was doing and smacked my hand away. Next thing I knew, he grabbed a needle out of the arm rest and stuck it in my leg.

I began to feel sleepy and almost immediately passed out.

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