1.The struggle

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Chapter 1. The struggle


"Your grandfather has Alzheimer's." My mom, Jaime, said to me. "We have to move to Louisiana to take care of him, because your grandmother is to old to take care of herself and him at the same time."

"Why can't I just stay here?" I asked my mom.

It's not that I don't want to go see my grandfather and grandmother, I love them with all my heart. It's just really far away from here, Pennsylvania. I will have to go to a new school and meet new people and it will be tough to make friends, considering I'm anti-social and shy.  She is probably just kidding!  If she's not, I might just cry.  This means I will have to move away from Faelynn.

"Because Skyla I am not going to leave you here alone." My mom said sounding hurt.

"But mom, this isn't fair please?" I begged as I saw her frown.

"Skyla stop arguing, we're going whether you like it or not!" My mom demanded.

"Okay whatever!" I continued yelling, "you know, if dad was still here, he wouldn't care if I went or not!" I screamed and slammed my door shut.

My dad went up to heaven when I was fourteen years old. It has been two years since then,making me be sixteen. He died from a car accident. The driver of the other car was drunk and hit the front of our car and made it spin into a telephone pole. The telephone pole hit the drivers side of the car, my dad was dead when they arrived at the scene. I don't have it in my heart to forgive the woman that did it. I hope she learned her lesson though, and that karma gets her back.

I felt bad for exploding on my mom like that. Especially, since she's been through hell since then. She has to raise two kids on her own, no help at all. My brother is seven years old and he is such a sweetheart!  His name is Caleb.  My mom is usually at work from the time she takes us to school to the time we go to bed as a nurse. This means that I usually have to take care of Caleb.  She has weekends off though which is good. Speaking of which, I wonder where she will be working when we move?

Knock knock, "Can I come in Skyla?"  Caleb asked with a worried voice.

"Yeah bud." He looked very confused when he came into my room.

"What's wrong?"

"I heard you and mom fighting, and now she is crying in the kitchen." He said with a pouty face.

"Don't worry about it Caleb, I will go talk to her." If there's anything I hate, it would be seeing my brother unhappy.

"Okay, make sure she's okay please." Caleb said as he wrapped his arms around me for a hug.

I went downstairs to talk to my mom, but she wasn't there. She is most likely in her room packing, I thought to myself. There she was with streaks down her face. I went up to her and gave her a hug.

"Sorry for giving you attitude, I didn't mean it mom." I truly meant it, I would never say something like that and actually mean it. I've learned to always say good things, because the last thing I ever said to my father was rude. I regret not saying I love you when he was leaving, the fight we had was very stupid. It was about me babysitting my cousins.


"But dad, I don't want too!" I yelled at him.

"Skyla Raine!" He said with a sharp tone. "You have to, whether you like it or not!"

"Whatever! I guess I'll just tell Faelynn that you're a jerk, and I can't go to the bonfire anymore". I sighed and stomped my feet upstairs into my room.

*End of flashback*


"It's alright Hun, I quit work today so we can have this whole week to pack up everything." She said to me with a smile. "And you won't be going to school the rest of the week, I already told them about the move today and they are faxing over your portfolio and such."

"Alright,thank you mom." I smiled at her. Woohoo! No school for a week! "Oh and what day are we leaving?"

"This Saturday, so we have 5 days to pack, not counting today."

"Okay, I'm tired so I'm going to go take a nap..love you goodnight!"

"Love you too!"


I looked over at the clock. "HOLY CRAP! It's already eight at night!" I fell asleep at two, I can't believe I slept that long. I have a long night of packing ahead of me.

I went down the steps too see my mom packing picture frames and wrapping them in newspaper.

"Want any help?" I asked, startling her.

"Oh, Skyla! You scared me!" I started to laugh. "Yes I would love your help sweetie."

I spent the rest of my night packing picture frames, and scrapbooks. My mom and I laughed at all of the pictures and memories that came with them. There was this one picture of my dad and me on the money bars. I remember that day like it was yesterday. My first time getting stitches was on that day. I fell off the monkey bars and hit my head off of the metal pole when I came down.

The clock read 3 a.m. I slumped up the stairs and into my bed. My eyelids were already shutting, so I didn't even bother too change. As soon as I felt my bed hit me, I was out.


 Picture of Skyla to the side!

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