7. The Date

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Chapter 7. The Date


I woke up the next morning at seven.  Seven is way too early to be woken up at, but it wasn’t my fault.  I got a text from Drew, and the text tone woke me up.  The worst part is that it wasn’t even an emergency.  It was about our date.  He asked if tonight was good for our date.  I was going to make up an excuse, but then I thought.  I guess it’s better to get it done and over with.  I texted back saying yes. and to pick me up at seven.  After that, I set an alarm for eleven, and went back to sleep.

My alarm went off and woke me out of the best dream ever.  I was at home, with all my friends.  We were having a barbeque at Faelynn’s house.  Everyone’s family was there.  We were swimming.  Then, Faelynn’s dad called everyone for dinner.  That’s when I woke up.  I miss Faelynn, and her family.  Her dad made the best cheeseburgers in town.  

I got out of my bed, and went downstairs.  No one else was down there  They probably have already ate, and are getting ready for the day.  I was always the last one up in the family.  If you woke me up early, I was grouchy.  The only person who ever woke me up, was my mom.  I think it’s because she has dealt with me since I was in her tummy.  

After eating, I went upstairs to get a shower.  Strawberries are probably my favorite smell.  I have strawberry shampoo, conditioner, and  body wash.  My luffa is the color of a strawberry.  I am just obsessed.  After I got a shower, I headed towards my closet.  I’m so happy that everything is unpacked.  I hated looking through boxes.  

I was just gonna throw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, but I remembered that I had a date with Drew tonight.  My plan is to be the worst date ever.  That reminds me!  I got to call Cambree and ask what Drew’s turn offs are!  I have to call Faelynn too!  Remembering things is a struggle for me.  I called Faelynn first.  The phone rang three times before she answered.   “Hey!”  I said to her in an excited voice.  I’m so happy I finally get to talk to her.

“Hey girly, how are yah doing?”  She asked.

“I’m doing good, I need to tell you something.”  

“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant!”  She said joking.

“There are six boys living across the street from me, and I’m going on a date with one of them tonight.”  I said.  She didn’t say anything for a couple seconds.

“Oh my gosh Skyla!”  Faelynn went on,”you lucky turd!”  I started to laugh.

“The one I’m going on a date with is annoying though.”  I said in a sad tone.

“What’s his name?”  She asked.  She was probably going to look him up on Facebook or something.

“Drew Kaley”  I said in an annoyed voice.  She didn’t answer until two minutes later.

“Oh my gee golly!”  She was fangirling.  This can’t be happening.  “He is so hot!”  She said.  I could just imagine her face right now.  She is probably still looking at his pictures, smiling like a goof.  I couldn’t tell her about my plan.  She would just yell at me.

“I gotta go, my mom wants me to help her with something.”  I said trying to hide my lie.  Surprisingly, she believed it.

“Alright, message me after you date so you can tell me about the rest of them!”  She said, then hung up.

Next, I called Cambree and told her about my plan.  She didn’t like my plan, but told me his turn off’s anyway.  His turn off’s include: girls who are obnoxious, don’t have manners, and that take forever to eat.  The last one was weird.  I guess I’ll just have to take my good old time with eating, if he takes us to a restaurant.  I became curious to our date.  So, I decided to text him.  I asked what we will be doing.  He would be one of those annoying guys and say,”it’s a surprise.”  I absolutely hate it when guys say that.  Then, he said to wear something casual.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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