6. Pappy time

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Chapter 6. Pappy Time


It's been a couple days since my ride home with Drew. It's Friday now. Matt always takes me to school. After school I would make up some excuse like, "I need to go to the library and finish my project," just so I wouldn't have to ride home with Drew.

Jace hasn't talked to me since the day that he offered to give me a ride home, and then backed out. I've been hanging around Cambree a lot. We usually talk about how much Mr. Trag, our gym teacher, flirts with us. It's honestly the grossest thing ever. Just imagine a man in his late fifties, with just about no hair, and has the beer gut the size of a globe. You just imagined Mr. Trag. He is such a pervert, and always is trying to flirt with us. I don't really understand why he is a gym teacher. Schools will hire anyone now a days.

Where am I right now? I'm in the library, researching animals for a project. Well, that's what I told Drew. In reality, I'm just waiting ten minutes to make sure Drew left the parking lot. I keep looking out the window to see if he left, and to my luck, he just did. While walking out of the library, the librarian gave me a strange look. She is probably confused about how I always come here for only fifteen minutes after school, then leave. Oh well, we can just leave it a mystery.

I started to regret walking home. My backpack was filled with books. Not really, only two and a binder, but still. Deciding that my back needed a break, I sat down on a nearby bench. I got my headphones out of my backpack, and put them in my ears.

Songs are so hard to find on your playlist sometimes, I had to hit shuffle for like ever to find a song that my mood fit. The song I stopped on was "All Signs Point to Lauderdale" by A Day To Remember. I was thinking about this week when I realized something, I haven't even hung out with my pap yet! He was the whole reason that I had to come down here, and now I'm not even hanging out with him!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone pulled my right headphone out of my ear. I looked up shyly to see Drew standing there, with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. At that moment, my shy face turned to an annoyed one.

"Why are you here?" I said to him in a cold voice

"I was gonna ask you to come hangout, so you see I went over to your house but your brother said that you weren't home yet." I nodded, a sign to tell him to continue. He didn't understand I guess, because he just stood there waiting for me to answer.

"How did you find me here?"

"Well I checked the library for you, but you weren't there" he went on,"so I just drove around, assuming that you walked home" he ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh okay well, no I would not like to hangout with you" I said with a smirk,"You still haven't told me what you said to Jace". I said with an obvious tone. Days back, I told Drew that I was not going to hangout with him, until he told me what he said to Jace.

"Besides, I thought I could hangout with pap since I haven't at all since I've been here". He nodded.

"Well, can I at least give you a ride home?" His pleading eyes got to me.

"Yeah, sure whatever". I said as I got into the passenger seat.

The drive home was very awkward. I just stared out the window in silence while Drew would steal glances of me. He sure is weird. One thing that I don't understand is why he is trying so hard. Like, does he not get that I don't want to associate with him? The world may never know.

He stopped in front of my house. Before I could get out, he locked the doors. I was beginning to worry, but before I could unlock the door he grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"One date, we don't even have to go out in public." He pleaded. I gave him a dirty look. It gets frustrating when all a guy does is plead for a date.

"Gosh darn it, why cant you just give up already?" I questioned with a confused look.

"Just say yes, please?" He gave me the puppy dog face! What a ding dong!

"One date, that's it.". I said while unlocking the door and getting out of the car, and stomping into the house. I'm so dumb for saying yes! Maybe, if I'm lucky, he will leave me alone after this. When I got inside, my mom gave me a strange look.

"Why are you so grumpy?" She asked while cutting up some potatoes.

"Nothing, just a bad day." I said making my way upstairs.

I checked my phone after I put down my bag. I got a text from Cambree asking if I wanted to hang out. I would say yes, but I want to spend some time with my pap. I nicely declined the offer. Then, tossed my phone on my bed. I took a twenty minute shower. It helped me to think about this date with Drew. I came up with a great plan. I'm going to be the worst date he has ever had.

After I looked decent, I went off to find my pap. He was sat in the living room, watching "How I Met Your Mother". I remember how this is his favorite show. Taking a seat next to him, I said "hey pap, how're you?". He looked at me confused for a minute, then a smile of knowingness was planted on his face.

"I'm doing fine I guess, how about you?" He said smiling at me.

"I'm doing alright, I guess" I said nonchalantly.

"It seems something is bothering you." He remarked.

"Well, there is this guy and he asked me on a date." I said shyly.

"What is wrong with that?" He gave me a confused look.

"I don't exactly know why he did." I said keeping my gaze on the floor.

"Skyla, you are a very nice girl, he is interested in you, give him a chance." He said not taking his eyes off me.

"Okay pap, I will," I continued,"want to go get some ice cream tomorrow?"

"Sure Skyla, I would love too.".

I got up and made my way to my room. I miss talking to my pap. We used to talk for hours. Usually, we would talk about the Vietnam war. He served in that war and the Korean war. It was cool, because he was one of those people who were open about talking about the wars.

I pulled out my laptop and checked my facebook. Facebook is so boring anymore, but I get on it anyway. Scrolling down my news feed, I saw the same things. Girls posting selfies with cleavage hanging out. I noticed that they get a lot of likes when they do that. When I checked my messages, I saw that I got one from Faelynn. She asked how I was doing. I replied,"good how are things in PA?" This is going to sound very ignorant, but I forgot to call her. I need to remind myself to call her at least once a week. She needs to know about the Kaleys! I wonder what she will say about Drew!

I quickly messaged her to call me tomorrow morning, and that I was going to bed now. I shut my laptop, and slid it under my bed. Once I was cozy in my bed, I shut my eyes and fell asleep.



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