5. Not too bad

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Chapter 5. Not too bad


"BEEP BEEP BEEP" my alarm clocked screamed in my ear. I punched it and it finally shut up. When I opened my eyes, I immediately shut them. The sun is too bright for this time of day. I dragged myself to the shower. After my shower I was trying to decide if I should leave my hair naturally wavy or just attempt to straighten it. Naturally wavy seemed like the way to go. I slipped on my outfit for today and applied some makeup before making my way downstairs.

"Rise and Shine sleeping beauty, I will be taking you to school today." Matt said with a smile that made my insides turn to goo.

I tried to talk, but it came out silent, so I just gave him a nod.

"You might want to grab a water before we go, it will help your voice." He smirked.

When we got into the car Matt turned on my favorite band, Blink 182! I was so siked. My morning just got ten times better. We made our way to school, blasting the song,"What's my age again." Matt heard me singing so he joined in. Well, this was a bright start to my morning.

We found a parking spot and stayed in the car until the song finished. I saw Drew and Jace leaning on a car talking to two girls. "Those are the queen bees of the school, also my brothers girlfriends." He said after he noticed me staring at them. Well, I better put those girls on my ignore or die list.

We picked up my schedule from the office and noticed that we had the first two periods together, English and Art. As we made our way to my locker, all the girls shot me deadly glares. Great, my first day of school and all the girls seem to hate me already.

"Don't worry about it." Matt said assuring me it will be okay. Great, I must of said what I was thinking. "You did." Matt smirked. I did it again, lovely.

"Sorry, I do that a lot." I said as my face turned red.

"You're cute when you blush." Matt said. Did he just say I'm cute? Is this real life?

"Oh, ha thanks" was my brilliant reply.

When we got to English, there was an old man sitting at the front desk. I'm guessing he's my teacher. His name is Mr. Zervert. I hope he doesn't make me introduce myself to the class. That would be terrible. The bell rang and he started to take attendance.

First period went smoothly after attendance. He didn't make me stand up or anything, he welcomed me though. I think all teachers are supposed to do that. Matt kept staring at me during the whole class, it was sort of getting weird.

Now, Matt and I were walking off to art. He told me about his brothers being in this class. I know to stay away from them two. Drama is not my favorite thing. It is so stressful, and takes up way to much time.

Once we got in the classroom, we say down. I sat behind Matt. It's very nice of him to help me out. If it starts to cause people staring again, then I would rather him not. Jace and Drew walked in. I had one empty seat beside me, and guess who sat in it? Well, you guessed it, Drew.

As he sat down, he looked at me and smirked. His dimples showed and I couldn't help but smile back. Oh my, I just smiled at the enemy! Great.

"So Sky, how's your day going?" Drew asked. Woah, he cares about my day? What has gotten into this guy? I thought to myself.

"Good." I simply said.

Jace sat behind me, while Matt was in front of me. The teacher came in. I noticed that she looked sort of goofy. She had big, circle glasses on, an apron that was covered in dried paint, and her hair was in a messy bun.

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