2. Surprise surprise

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Chapter 2. Surprise surprise!


Time flies when you're having fun. Pshh who am I kidding? These last few days have been terrible. I've had to say goodbye to all my friends and pack up everything in my house. It's already Friday, which means we will be leaving Pennsylvania tomorrow morning. We sent out most of our things to grandmas already so that it's waiting for us when we get there. I'm actually very nervous to see my grandfather. The thought of him not remembering me is very sad. I don't actually know how bad he is, so I'm just praying he still remembers me.

My mom said that I could have a get together with all my friends tonight at our house. I only have three good friends. Their names are Kaitlyn, Lindsi, and Faelynn.

I've known Faelynn since I was in second grade, she is going to be the hardest to say goodbye too, I can already tell. She was there for me when my father passed away. She would come over everyday after school for about two weeks straight just to see if I was doing okay, to get my mind off things, and to give me my homework. She is my "go to" person for advice, so I'm probably gonna spend most of my time texting her. I am going to miss her so much!

I sent out a group message telling them about the sleepover like party.

"Girl, you know I'll be there." Faelynn answered immediately. She is the fast texter of the group.

"I'll ask, but more than likely, yes!" Lindsi answered. "Should we bring snacks or candy or something?" She was always the one too eat all of our food and cause us to get more.

"I can come for a little bit, but I have to babysit tonight so I can't stay over." Kaitlyn always was watching her brother. It did get annoying, but after awhile we got used to it.

After going shopping with my mom, I was finally ready for tonight.

DING DONG! The doorbell rang and I knew who it was immediately.

We spent our night talking about the latest couples, drama, and boys. At one point, we were all crying cause I was leaving. I told them to be strong and don't let the preppy popular girls bully them. We got picked on every day for about a year until Faelynn stood up to those snobs. Now, they stay away but still give us dirty looks.

•••••••••••••••next morning••••••••••••••

"Bye Skyla!"

"Text us!"

"Bestfriends forever!"

Those were the only words I heard when I was driving away from my "used-to-be-home".

I felt a tear come down my face. I looked at my mom and smiled. This is a new start, I kept thinking to myself. We have a two hour drive to the airport ahead of us.

On the way to the airport, I started thinking about some things. I wonder if I would make new friends. Maybe this is my time to change into an outgoing person. No one will know me, so they won't know how shy I was back at Pennsylvania. This was making me happier. Being a new person might just be what I need to be happy again.

I think my mom said something about the neighbors across the street having a daughter around my age, so maybe we would become good friends.

I realized that my mom was gonna have to get a new job.

"Mom, did you find a job down here?"

"Yes I did, and I have something to ask you as well."

"About what?"

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