Friends with Benifets

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© Joanna Bock 2012 Copy Right All Rights Reserved

"Hello Hanna."

He brushed against me, searing me with a trail of his heat and fire; I couldn't help but suck in a sharp breath of anticipation.

"I know your heart beats harder every time I am near you Hanna, why do you deny me what I know you want."

He was right Cory Matthews left me wanting every single time he came anywhere within touching distance, ah crap who the hell am I kidding. He leaves me needing every single moment I even think about him. But why here, why now,

I could feel his warm sweet minty breath against the nape of my neck, yet even though his heat I could feel over every inch of exposed skin, he didn't touch me. My every inch screamed, pleading for him to just lean forward and press that hard expanse of his body against mine, but he didn't.

"What is it you wished for when you blew out your candles Hanna?"

His voice is husky and deep and I can feel something else deep rising in me.

You I screamed in my mind, but I wasn't about to tell him that.

Cory and I have been friends for longer than I can remember and friends is all we will ever be. Well at least I thought that was what be would always be.

But when He proposed we should be friends with benefits I almost died.

It all started on my 25th Birthday which as I just explained Cory thought he would so kindly force me to squirm though in__ well discomfort is a rather polite way of wording the way I felt.

Hot, frustrated and wanting. Would be a lot more accurate.

Daddy had invited half of the more__ um, well, well to do upper class people of his little circle of friends and there daughters and sons who are supposedly my friends to a ball in my honour Quite frankly I wouldn't consider one of those stuck up little toffee tarts a friend I would rather someone covered me in bees and poured a layer of honey into the mix. Cory thinks it is an absolute joke that Daddy forces me to smile and say sweet things to them but for my father I would climb mountains - So I do.

Most of those girls have their smiles wide and their legs open. And the boys well lets just say butter doesn't melt in their mouths either- yeah right.

Cory is different, he's real. We both come from money but neither of us care; we aren't driven by it or what everyone else thinks about our social status. In fact you wouldn't know it to look at either of us that we have money.

Fine I drive a nice car and I wear well quality clothes, but I couldn't care less what the label says or if I am wearing the same clothes as some bimbo modelling for the vogue spring fashion collection.

Yeah so we are good together.

So when Cory told me__ no forced me to confront my true feelings and took me to his bed I was really friggen stunned. I mean far out I truly didn't expect he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

We talked about it first and decided we should keep our friendship and not try to become something more. By that I mean we shouldn't become lovers, so we just__ well we have benefits.

I actually like it this way, it's like the best of both worlds we laugh joke go to ice hockey game together, but we also well fuck. Yeah so what I said it.

What else am I going to call it making love__ humph, Yeah right.

Actually depending on the mood I guess sometimes we do but whatever essentially it is what it is. But whatever it is I really, really friggen love it.

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