Batting for a Home Run

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© Joanna Bock Copyright 2012 All rights Reserved.

AN*** All right I have been given a challenge to make Baseball into sexy instead of boring I hope this is exactly that__ Sexy

Please comment and tell me if I succeeded…

xoxo ~ Enjoy.  

Three Months earlier…

The Falcons play Baseball on the Fields near my house, and I sit and watch every game and every practice. I don’t watch them because I like the game as such, lets face it Baseball is a really boring sport.

But baseball with Ryan Kellum is a really freaking hot and sexy sport so yeah I watch.

Yes, I am guilty I watch for Ryan Kellum. He is a freaking god and I want his__ um I can’t say that. Let’s say I want his body.

My name is Kitty Sheppard, I am your average height nothing really amazing girl next door.

I am not a cheer leader and I do not attract boys. I don’t really care about that. I happen to like my sandy blonde hair and my baby blue eyes.

But I love Ryan’s deep rich brown eyes, his hair which is the same sandy blonde as mine and his killer hot abs'. Yes you heard me right I pray for hot weather, coz when the weather is hot the shirt is gone.

Ryan has a body most girls would go weak at the knees for, his abs’ ripple, his Arms flex and his ass is heaven to stare at.

Baseball has never been so freaking hot and nor have I.

He and I go to the same school and we are both seniors; but we don’t hang out in the same circles.

He doesn’t play ball for the school team, which suits me. This way I can have him all to myself.

Those fake girls and their fake tans who swoon just coz he looked there way, can go F right off. I can’t believe how possessive I am of him, Gee it isn’t like all the time I spent sitting in that stand was a ticket to claim him even if I would of if I could.

Three months ago Ryan stopped playing in the middle of practice and began watching me. You could say I was stunned and a little embarrassed when he tilted his head to the side and flat out stared. His smile I also discovered that day is to freaking die for.

Actually I already knew that, but when he smiled at me I almost died.

I don’t normally get easily flustered or embarrassed but he watched me like I was food. Oh don’t get me wrong if he want to snack on me he is so very welcome to snack all he wants.

At the end of every practice the deal is always the same. Ryan high fives his team mates and they clown around a little while they all head into the locker room to shower and change. I on the other hand fan myself enough so I can move to leave before they come back out to go. If only I could follow I would. Hell I think that would be a dream come true, 9 hot young guys in a changing room. Oh god, yes please. Actually I have never had any interest in 8 of those boys and I never will.

Anyway, that day was different.

That day I was shocked beyond belief. After there rituals of high fives and patting each other on the back__ things changed.

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