Saving Kara

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© Joanna Bock 2012 All Right Reserved.

Jodi and I couldn't have been further apart though we are sisters. That doesn't make us any less different then perfect strangers.

She is the perfect little vision of the popular girl, and me. Well I am not.

Jodi wears all the labelled brands, the little skirts that leave nothing to the imagination, the sweet little flowery tanks and those impractical slip on shoes__ that are impossible to run in.

Me? I wear none of those things. I wear Jeans, Baby-T's and sneakers. That's it.

Jodi spends hours in the bathroom__ every morning straitening, blow drying, applying hair products and coating a thick spread of caked on make up over every pore of her face. And me, well I slap a hair band in my hair and walk out the door. The only things about our morning routines that match are: we eat food, we brush our teeth and hair and we put clothing on. Full-stop. The end.

That's where it starts. And that, is where it ends.

The most shocking thing Jodi and I share.

We are twins, well, we say we are. But truly, we are what remains of triplets expect that's our secret.

Danni was our sister. But she died not long before our 6th Birthday. She drowned in a swimming pool. That was nearly 11 years ago, so it doesn't hurt us like it used to, but sometimes we still miss her. Well I do anyway.

Danni was the funny one; she was our glue in a way, which is why I think Jodi and I aren't as close as we probably, should be.

My name is Kara and this is my story.

As I said before Jodi is the girly one out of the two of us, so when Hayden the hottest bad boy in the senior class asked me; Kara the loner grease monkey to be his girl, I refused.

I knew he must of confused me with Jodi, that or this was a cruel and horrible joke.

I was wrong.

For weeks Hayden asked over and over. Every time I refused, he would get all moody like it was my loss. And yet every time he saw me after that he would ask that same dumbass question,

"Kara I want you to be my girl. Give me a good reason why not and I will stop asking."

I gave him excuse after excuse why it wasn't a good idea.

I didn't date.

I don't have time for a boyfriend.

I am not Jodi.

I don't like you.

I have a boy friend.

As you can see, I contradicted myself a lot. But I was running out of excuses, so what.

But what the most frustrating thing was, with every excuse I gave he would just smile and say that it wasn't good enough. This meant he would ask again. He would corner me; make me feel so hot and in need of him. I think he knew what he was doing to me. After a while he got more and more confident, he was breaking me down piece by piece and he knew it too. Little brushes of skin against my arm became brushes of loose hair from my face soft passes of his thumb over my cheek. His deep grey eyes holding my sky blue ones like a possum caught in the headlights I was under his spell, I was powerless to stop him no matter how badly I wished I could have- Yeah right. Like I wanted him to stop.

I would see him coming and try to hide.

"Kara you know what I am going to say so will you give me a real answer this time."

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