Chapter 9- Truth or Dare?

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Valeria's POV
Damn it. I forgot that my parents weren't going to arrive till late hours. I've got the keys, but I was hoping them to help us set up my room for Anna. Better tell them. We, for sure, can get something good out of this.

Me: guys, my parents are in the office in work, you can come in if you want. I'll give you a tour. Who's up for it?
Jack: I am. Why not have fun. Plus I always come close to here to go grocery shopping and I've always wanted to see the inside of this house.
Conor: sure, will be fun.
Me: door's open, come on in. I swear it will look ten time better when it's fully furnished. They still have to bring some stuff.
Anna: wow, it's huge! The living room, the kitchen and the stairs are amazing!
Conor: yeah, looks impressive. I am sure it will look much better when it's full of furniture.
Me: the best thing is that my mum let me choose all the living room furniture. It's gonna look so cool! Like my future room.
Anna: that kitchen is perfect for baking, it's got the biggest peninsula ever! For baking videos it will be so good! OMG! Way too much to handle right now.
Olivia: Val, I'm going upstairs, Alex is ringing me. Need to pick it up.
Conor: who's Alex?
Me: it's Alejandro, her brother. Their parents didn't have in mind that in English doesn't sound good full name.
Jack: well, if you say the nickname he should be fine. How old is he?
Me: age, 20; mentally, 10.
Anna: sounds like someone to me... *looking at her siblings*
Conor: why are you looking at us? We aren't mentally 10, we're most likely 8.
Jack: true, shall we gpcontinue with the house tour? I love your house.
Me: not furnished? Wow, you'll be here all the time when it actually has furniture... Creepy...
Jack: I'm not that weird... Maybe, but not really.
Me: sure, well this is my office; where I will be filming my videos.
Anna: wow, I can see a lot of future cuteness. Am I right?
Me: yep, a bunch of it. And I brought my Tumblr DIYs to put here.
Anna: are they at the background of your videos? If they are I love them.
Me: oh, I'm discovering that my favourite siblings in the whole YouTube actually watch my videos, this is embarrassing... Let's go upstairs. My sister might be here. JULIA?! Are you here?
Julia: yeah, I'm up in my room!
Me: come and say hi to our guests. You know them and love their music...
Julia: CONOR MAYNARD!!!!!!
Conor: wow, how does she know me? *i look at him with a "are you being serious face?"* Okay, I get it now. Hi little one!!!
Julia: hi!!!! I love your music!
Conor: I'm glad you do. Do you want to come with us to the house tour?
Julia: sure.
Me: okay, so his is my room, it's huge. It's bigger than my mum and dad's.
Anna: aren't you a cheeky monkey...
Me: i am, there are the spare rooms and my sisters bedroom. She's got posters of you in there Conor...
Conor: how cute is she? I just can't get over it.
Me: I can. It's time for bed. Come on. You guys go in empty room, I'll be there in a sec.
Julia: bye guys!
Anna, Jack and Conor: bye!!!


Jack's POV
This house is massive, it's so cool! I can't wait to see it fully done.

Anna: Jack! Get out of your trance!
Conor: he definitely likes her...
Me: what?! NO!
Olivia: she does like you. By the way, this is going to sound a bit creepy, but the fan that you tweeted a few days ago...
Me: yeah..
Olivia: that was me! When I told Val that was me she almost killed me for not jumping out of the car to ask for a selfie...
Me: wow, she must really like me. But i don't like her... She's nice and cute, but that doesn't mean I like her. Right?
Conor: at least considering that you like her...
Me: okay, she's about to arrive. Shut up.
Valeria: hey, what were you talking about?
Conor: how Olivia was about to get killed by you, when she didn't jump out of the car...
Valeria: OLIVIA!!!!! I'm actually going to kill you. That was when I hadn't met any of you... I swear I wouldn't jump out of a car to get a selfie. What shall we do now?
Olivia: truth or dare?
Me: yeah, that's a good way to get to meet people. And quickly.
Valeria: okay, let's play then. Wait, shall we make it a video?
Me: OMG, yes! A collab! A huge one...
Valeria: the camera is already set up, I was supposed to film a "i moved" video, but they already know, so it was just pointless. Go in position, Ol get my phone and tweet to tell us some truths and dares. Use the hashtag we used last time.
Olivia: done! Are we ready?
Anna: I was born ready. What kind of question is that?
Me: same, Conor is just texting Oli. He will be ready in a second.
Valeria: filming, make a space for me in the middle... Thanks. Hide so that it makes a cool intro... So hey guys, today I am joined by a lot of people. The majority of them you don't know. They've never been in my channel.
Me: shall we enter now?
Valeria: you've just ruined the surprise! Yeah, come in. The Maynard siblings.... And Olivia, again!
Olvia: yay! I'm back, have you missed me? Sure you did.
Me: someone is big headed in here... Wow!
Anna: yeah, you!
Valeria: who put the siblings together? This was a terrible idea!!!! Anyway, Olicia tweeted from my account to ask you to give us some truths and some dares with the hashtag: #T&DVal, and this is what you came up with, enjoy!
Me: okay, shot gun first! Valeria, Truth or Dare?
Valeria: I'm going easy, truth. Oh, and make screenshots of the one you pick!
Me: done, okay, have you ever pooped in a pool/beach ?
Valeria: I can't say I haven't...
Olivia: yeah, she was with me too. I was just the pretty little girl with the stinky friend... Cool.
Valeria: okay, my turn. Conor, truth or dare?
Conor: I'm not that of a pussy, gimme a dare.
Valeria: you're so gonna regret this... I dare you to get in the pool with just your underwear... Girls, get ready.
Conor: we'll film that later. I don't wanna be wet now.
Valeria: okay, it's on tape. I'll insert it now so that you can see, enjoy!
Me: wow, it should be freezing now. That is a bad dare.
Conor: okay, now. Olivia, truth or dare?
Olivia: I'm gonna be brave, dare.
Conor: okay, I'll start off easy. Ummm... OMG, your subscribers really want you to be in pain, there is none "light" dares.... Damn.
Valeria: that's why they love me. I let them do anything on me, not dirty thinking... I feel like I shouldn't though...
Conor: got one, I dare you to lick the object/person you got to your left.
Olivia: can I pick? Or shall I just do the person?
Anna: if you choose person, you're screwed... Conor, get ready.
Olivia: in the last truth or dare I had to lick the bottom of a shoe, I don't think licking Conor is going to be that bad...
Conor: okay, I'm ready.... Goooo!!!!!!
Olivia: ew, you taste of aftershave... That was so gross. I could feel your un-grown beard. EW! Need to go for some water.
Valeria: I've got a bottle in my bed side table. Grab that one.
Conor: the aftershave is because I shaved this morning.
Anna: wow, hang on; I can sense trouble...
Conor: Can't Say No *winks*
Valeria: Huston, I think we got a problem... The camera is running out of battery... Let's finish this round quick!
Olivia: so much puns going on... Too much to handle... Okay, Anna, truth or dare?
Anna: truth, I don't want to lick Jack's face.
Me: hey, mine's softer...
Olivia: okay, have you ever stuttered when meeting a boy? Like, were you so nervous that you couldn't speak?
Anna: oh, heck yeah. The hottest guy in my school came up to me and asked if I actually was Conor and Jack's sister... I almost died. My friend had to answer for me... She also stuttered.
Valeria: wow, that must have been embarrassing... Anyway, this is the end, hope you enjoyed it, if you did, you know what to do; subscribe and comment. And we will be filming videos for the rest of their channels, so go and check them out. Love you, have a great sleep or day. Depends where you're watching, BYEEEE!!!!

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