Chapter 32-John

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Jack's being so annoying lately. Whenever I'm at his he gets so annoyed and just stroms off from every single room I am in. I don't know what his problem is.

Joe and I have become very close lately and I love it. My cousin and him are in a good track we shall say.

Conor and I are getting a whole lot closer, having in mindnthat he's on my side, he doesn't understand why Jack broke up with me either. He has really been supporting me since then. Whenever Conor's around my house and Jack has to come and pick him up, he makes Jack park two streets before mine. It also makes it easier for them to get home.

Olivia and him, they broke up before we Halloween. Olivia was having trsut issues and she also was moved to Brighton. Which is a pitty, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Am I right? They broke up in good terms though, which is always good.

Conor: hey! Stop day dreaming. Jack is in a goodmood today, wanna come home?
Me: is anyone else gonna be there?
Conor: yeah, Josh, Joe and Mikey.
Me: alright, I'll go then. By the way, I got an idea the other day.
Conor: tell me.
Me: as I am doing this Christmas schedule, I thought I could upload some cover of Christmas songs. What do you think?
Conor: sure. I guess I could help you. And if you beg Joe he might sing with us too.
Me: speaking of which, he's phoning me. (I pick it up) hey Joseph. what's up?
Joe: hey, is Conor still with you?
Me: yeah he is. He's listening right now. Say what you gotta say.
Conor: is there anything wrong Joe?
Joe: no, well kind of... It's Jack.
Me: what's wrong with him?
Joe: well, Josh and I had to trap him in his bedroom. He's going nuts.
Conor: why?
Joe: well, we were talking about Val before he came back from, supposedly, shopping.
Me: what? Supposedly?
Joe: yeah. He came drunk and stinking of perfume.
Conor: ok, we'll be there in a sec. (i hang up) He's done it again...
Me: again?
Conor: yeah. Since you both broke up he has been going to some messed up clubs with some messed up people.
Me: is it John?
Conor: not only him, he was hanging out whith them before you both started dating. You don't know the rest of them. And you're lucky.
Me: shall I go with you?
Conor: yeah, but once you're in, stay away from Jack, I know him and if he sees you he may going more mad than he is now. I'll ask him if he wants to talk to you and if he does, I'll call you and you'll come in to his room.
Me: got it.

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