Chapter 17- Lazy Busy Day

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Now that I've told Jack the Isaac story, I feel like there is nothing that could bring us down. Now he knows pretty much everything about me. And I feel like I know almost everything. Tonight at Nando's we talked a bit more about Isaac. I felt a bit weird telling him about my depression, because of the guilty feeling I had, he already knows about my anxiety. He's always telling me to go to a psichaiotrist so that I get something to make it better, but I did in Spain and it went to worse. All it did was make me have panick attacks almost every single day.

I'll never forget the day I told him about my anxiety. He was so supportive. And since then I've just had one panick attack, and it was the one I had when I had to tell Jack about my anxiety. It happened when I, for some reason, received a lot of hate from a video, and I guess it just made me feel like it was way too much for me and I just, like the time Issac jumped off my window, speechless and not capable of thinking straight. I even thought about quitting YouTube.

By the way, my channel has now over a million subscribers, which is very cool. Although Jack is a bit jealous about it. Just a bit.

Jack: so, did you enjoy your meal?
Me: it was perfect. Like every single one I've had with you.
Jack: wanna sleep with me tonight?
Me: sure, why not? Hour?
Jack: when you want. Just text me when you're ready and I'll go and pick up.
Me: oh, then come home and I'll pick up the clothes. We have to edit the videos to, they'll have to be up tomorrow at 6:30. I'll change into comfy clothes and grab my laptop to edit.
Jack: OK, I'll tell Conor when we get to your house. I don't want to let go of your hand. They're so soft.
Me: stop being like that.
Jack: like how?
Me: so corny. That's not the real you. But I kinda secretly love it. Don't do it every single time we go on a date though.
Jack: why not? I just like telling my girlfriend she's the best one in the world.
Me: viewers on sight.
Jack: oh God. I don't want to let go of your hand. They're going to know in a matter of hours.
Me: that's why we still have to keep it a secret still. Hi guys, how are you doing?
Viewer #1: hi! OMG, we love both of your channels so much.
Viewer #2: yeah, I especially love your (Val's) video you did on anxiety. Since then I've known I'm not the only one in the world.
Me: thanks.
Viewer #1: by the way, are you guys dating?
Viewer #2: yeah, you'd both make such a cute couple.
Jack: um, no?
Me: let's just say it. Yes, we are dating. And it feels great to finally be able to say it.
Viewer #2: I knew it. When are you going to officially tell it?
Me: tomorrow, so please don't be telling on social media. We want it to be a suprise, you're the first of our viewers to know.
Viewer #2: OMG, that is so cool.
Viewer #1: can we have a picture with you guys?
Jack: sure. *picture after picture*
Viewer #2: we have to go. It was a pleasure to meet you guys.
Me: the pleasure was ours. Bye guys!
Viewer #1: bye.
Jack: bye! See how good it feels to tell? Tomorrow we are going to feel so much better.
Me: yeah, I am so freaking excited. Lazy day tomorrow?
Jack: said and done.


Jack's POV
When Vla told we were dating, it felt so good. Now we are in her house, she's changing and I'm just laying on her bed texting Josh and Conor.

Me: looks like we'll be the only ones at home.
Valeria: why?
Me: Josh has gone to caspars house to sleep, and Conor has gone to Joe's.
Valeria: better right?
Me: no more "yikes" coming put of their mouths.
Valeria: and more time to be corny and cuddle and kiss *getting closer to me, sitting on my lap and kissing me*
Me: I know you're not ready for it yet, but you are really making me stay on a cliff hanger.
Valeria: that's just how I am. I love cliff hangers. Especially the ones made to my boyfriend, those are cool.
Me: come on. We still have to edit the videos. I want to spend a real lazy day tomorrow. Doing nothing but uploading the videos.
Valeria: damn it, could you lend me one of your T-shirts tonight? I've ran out of old T-shirts, they're all in the  wash room.
Me: really? You hate me right?
Valeria: why would I hate you?
Me: you know it's a huge turn on for me girls with boys T-shirts, right?
Valeria: of course I know. I told you I love leaving you on a cliff hanger... Can I?
Me: sure... Are you ready now?
Valeria: oh no, what about Abi?
Me: she'll get it. Plus she's probably staying with Joe and Conor.
Valeria: how funny! She just texted me telling she's staying with Joe and Conor. Let me get my laptop and the charger. I'll let Julia and my parents know, and we'll be free to go.
Me: finally!
Valeria: Julia, nos vamos Jack y yo a su casa a dormir, ¿vale?
Julia, Jack and I are going to his house to sleep, OK?
Julia: vale, ¿se lo digo a los papis?
OK, shall I tell mum and dad?
Valeria: me harías un gran favor.
You'd do me a great favour.
Julia: okay.
Me: I love when you speak Spanihs, even though I don't understand a thing.
Valeria: why do you like it?
Me: I don't know. It's kind of sexy, I guess...
Valeria: no it isn't. English native speaking people speaking Spanish, now THAT is hot. Olivia agrees. And so does my dad.
Me: remind me not to speak in Spanish in front of your dad, but a lot in front of you.
Valeria: but you don't know how to speak in Spanish!!!!
Me: you can teach me though....
Valeria: don't think so.

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