Chapter 12- Phone Call

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Anna POV
Good morning myself! Last night was sooo cool. We had so much fun. We stayed quite late talking to my brothers and Oli. Pretty much I consider him my brother too, he treats me like his sister. So I've got rights to think that. Never met James, so I don't know how well we will get along.

Last night, when we talking on the phone to all of them, you could tell there was something going between Jack and Val. Val kind of pulled it of, and she tried to play it cool, but Jack... Oh Jack, you could tell from miles away. It's sad I'll be leaving London when Conor, Jack and Oli come back... I don't want to go. At least is a good thing that I'm taking two good friends out of this. Hopefully I'll see them again soon.

Me: girls, are you awake?
Valeria and Olivia: yeah.
Valeria: I'm nackred. I really can't move, why did we stay up for so long?
Olivia: by 'we' you mean you and Jack?
Valeria: yeah, but why?
Me: you know, there's this thing called love...
Valeria: oh, shut up! He doesn't like me, we just got along very well. And he wouldn't even imagine dating a girl like me. Olivia is more her type. Blonde, pretty, blue eyes... The Spanish Gigi Hadid, his celebrity crush too! This is no coincidence.
Olivia: you gotta be kidding. I am not his type, and I am not the Spanish Gigi Hadid. You have perfect eyebrows, perfect green eyes, perfect ombré hair... What more could you ask for? You are just Gigi mixed with Kendall mixed with Zoe's hair.
Me: do you mean Joe's sister?
Valeria: yeah, she is our YouTube role model. We try and make our viewers happy. Just like her.
Olivia: don't you find it funny that we are going to meet her brother... Today... That's so crazy!!!
Valeria: yeah. Oh, Jack's calling.Hi!
Jack: hey! Um, we've just talked to Casp and Joe and they said they wanted to have lunch with us. Would you like to come with us?
Valeria: I fell bad. Have you asked them?
Jack: 'course I have. I am Jack Maynard. What would you spect from me.
Me: a whole lot worse things... Maybe. You remember that you have to take me to the train station, do you?
Jack: obviously, umm..... I think Oli will get you there.
Oli: oh, am I? I thought you were.
Me: see, you didn't remember. Never mind. But isn't Oli going to have lunch with all of you?
Jack: no, I think he is going to pick his mom and James up from the station. He'll go to the event later, or meet us after lunch.
Valeria: oh, then I'll tell my dad that Oli is taking you. And I'll tell my mum that we are going to go and have lunch with all of you. Let me go and tell them.
Olivia: okay, now that Val's gone out of the room, what's going on with you guys?
Jack: what do you mean? There is nothing going on between us. Why is everyone asking that? Oli and Conor at home asked the same.
Me: Jack, we don't say it so that you get angry, we say it cause last night you spent till 3am talking to Val on the phone.
Jack: 3am? Wow, I thought it hadn't been that late. Now I get why you say so. But seriously, there's nothing between us. Its just that we got on really well in a very small period of time. That's it.
Olivia: alright, whatever. But you do know she does kind of have a crush on you, and by being this close to her you're making it bigger by the second, right?
Jack: I thought she had a crush on me but not that by being so close to her it got bigger. But, what can I do?
Olivia: well, I think you know the answer... Stay away from her...
Jack: what of I don't want to?
Me: then the crsuh is mutual. You like her too. Which means that there will be something between you both in the future!!!
Olivia: OMG, yes!!! But, Jack, don't make it this obvious. Val likes a guy that can win her without being obvious that he likes her.
Jack: how can I do that? That's impossible.
Olivia: no it isn't. You just try and play it cool, act like you don't like but in a flirty way. She is the kind to play hard to get.
Me: you always crush on one of those. Your luck with girls is very bad, you are also so easy to get. You're like the absolute opposite.
Jack: okay, got it.
Valeria: hey! I'm back. My mum is not home at the moment. I'll text her now.
Anna: great. When are you coming to pick them up? And Oli to pick ME up?
Jack: to pick them up, we'll go at 12 or so. Oli may go earlier. 11 or 11:30.
Valeria: great! And will Joe and Caspar be waiting on the cafe or they will come with both of you?
Jack: waiting. We might have to wait for them, they have to go and sort out some things for the meet and greet. But they won't be very very late. By the way, Josh is coming too. Don't know if I told you.
Olivia: no you haven't. Great job. I am so excited, ll my fave YouTubers are going to have lunch with me.
Jack: um... Okay... That's creepy. Stop it.
Valeria: I was like that when Mark, the guard, told us we were going to meet Conor and Oli. I was so nervous. I didn't know what I was going to do, cry, hiperventilate, panic... I had literally no idea. And when we were going to your house, oh my! I had a freaking washing machine in my stomach.
Jack: 'cause you were gonna meet me?
Valeria: no.. Because, I-I was going to a YouYuber household. Do you know how exciting it is?
Jack: unfortunately no. But I do know how it feels to live with two other YouTubers. It's stressful.
Valeria: yeah, I imagine. Its even stressful to share a vlogging channel.
Olivia: yeah, you don't really know who's gonna put what and not. Its confusing as well.
Jack: sharing WiFi. That's the worse part, it's so slow.
Me: can we go back to sleep? I'm still tired...
Olivia: yeah, same here.
Valeria: if you want, I'll go downstairs and talk to Jack, and let you sleep. Yeah?
Olivia and I: ugh, fine...

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