Chapter 26, Part 2- 20 Questions and Voting Game

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Valeria's POV

Me: I'll start. Joe, what was Abi's first impression of yours?
Joe: well, her eyes were what really caught my attention at first. But then I found out she had great personality and that she liked me. Points right there.
Me: your turn Joe.
Joe: alright, Jack. What's the most annoying thing about Valeria?
Jack: same as Comor, she won't stop singing.
Conor: at least we do it nicely and we have nice and sweet voices...
Olivia: non like others... *cough* Jack *cough*...
Jack: hey!
Me: just admit it...
Jack: OK, I may not have the best voice, but I am the better looking sibling... Your subs said it first Conor....
Conor: whatever, shoot your question.
Jack: alrighty, Olivia. When did you and Val started being friends?
Olivia: um.... We actually started hating each other. Me being family of the principals everyone thinks I am really stupid and that I don't care about money. So we went in 6th grade to a "farm/place to forget about everything" but it was a trip with the school and we were staying there for a week. We both were kind of left off because no one wanted to sit with us, so we had to sit together. We didn't really talk for the whole journey., because we didn't really knew each other. When we arrived it was time to decide who was going to sleep with who, and in which bunk bed. As may be able to guess we had to sleep in the same bunk bed. And each night the bed would kind of creek, because they were metal and old, so we would blame it on each other constantly.
Me: yeah, they even cheered when you breathed... It was a nightmare.
Olivia: yeah, it really was. And we didn't really hang out with each other that much to be honest. But that was just the beginning. On 7th grade, or 1º de la ESO, as they call it back in Spain, we started to hang out together, and we ended up building a pretty weird but that somehow it really worked, group of friends. We were basically the left over people that didn't really fit into any other group. Little did we know that in 3 years we ended up becoming best friends...
Me: and I am so happy to have her by my side. She is the best friend any person could have.
Olivia: ow, *was that a tear down her cheek?* I love you so much.
Me: *i said giving her a hug* don't cry or you'll make me cry too, I love myou way too much....
Olivia: I have to ask now I guess... Val, what's your favourite thing about being on YouTube?
Me: everything. All the projects, all the friendships.... And relationship... It's just all amazing. And now knowing that I have so many upcoming projects... I love everything. I mean, I have a cover now.
Conor: and it was great.
Zoë: guys, not that I am trying to ruin a nice moment, but we've already arrived to the hotel.
Alfie: I was actually having some fun.... Can't we hang out in one of our rooms together?
Abigail: my mum may be waiting for me, we never grow out of their little princesses...
Me: you should go, we don't want to have a show tomorrow at lunch time. Plus, Joe must give a good first impression.
Joe: yeah, I'd like it if you hadn't reminded me... I'm going to sleep close to nothing.
Abigail: don't worry, gorgeous. See you tomorrow. *she gives him a peck on the lips* Bye guys.
Joe: I have to go too. Bye!
All of us: bye!
Me: well, now it's just Zalfie, Jaleria and Colivia.
Conor: don't count on the C. It's turning into a Z for zombi, and Zolivia doesn't sound good. I need to go to sleep.
Olivia: so do I. Night guys.
All of us: night!
Zoë: now it's just Zalfie and Jaleria. Where should we go? I say your room, it's bigger and has a couch...
Jack: sure we can go. Do we have a fun game we can play? *we think as we head you our room*
Alfie: I've brought with me the voting game. We can vlog it.
Me: sounds good. Let's go to your room first then.
Zoë: good thing that our rooms as pretty much next to each other.
Me: yeah.
Alfie: the lift is here. Let's go.
*we are now in our room with our cameras all set up (everything here is for vlog) and Alfie has already said that we are going to play the game*
Valeria: alright, we are now in my room, with less people that before. And we are going to play the voting game. If you don't know how this works is, we are each going to have 4 cards, with 1, Alfie; 2, Zoë; 3, me; and 4, Jack. And someone is going to read a topic or a fact and we have to raise the card do who we think is the person who is most likely to happen or do that.
Jack: OK, shall I read first?
Alfie: yeah.
Jack: alright, who is the loudest?
Me: I know this for sure.
Jack: OK; 3, 2, 1... *J: 3, V: 3-4, A: 3, Z: 3*
Me: you're sometimes really loud too Jack.
Jack: when have I been louder than you?
Me: so many times. When I was in your apartment recording the cover, and you just came into Conor's bedroom and shouted at Conor for no reason.
Jack: that doesn't really count. You always are loud, you're Spanish.
Me: alright, I'll take that. Next is: who's ther hairest? *J: 4-1, V: 1, Z: 1, A: 1*
Alfie: I mean... We've all seen my legs. *he raises one to show tha camera his hairy leg*
Jack: I've never met someone that hairy. But I'm quite hairy too I feel like.
Zoë: have you seen Alfie's legs? We even had to wax his bum...
Jack: I take back my card. This is yours Alfie.
Zoë: next, whose last phone picture would we like to see the most. If more than half votes, show it. *J: 2-3, V: 4, Z: 4, A: 4*
Jack: why mine?
Zoë and I: why ours?
Jack: I don't know, probably yours (Zoë) is Nala or something, and Val, I don't know. But why mine?
Me: we want to see what you're up to.
Jack: it's just a selfie Inposted on Snapchat before the first Meet and Greet today.
Zoë: cute...
Me: why did you save it?
Jack: I really liked it, and I was also going to upload it to Instagram. Can I?
Me: you almost can't see my face, go on.
Alfie: who would get the most annoyed because of loosing at something? *J, Z, V, A: 3*
Me: I'd get so annoyed.
Jack: you cried once.
Me: oh yeah. When playing the monopoly.
Jack: she thought Josh and Conor were cheating, so she just started crying.
Me: I'm just sensible.... I can't help it...
Jack: who's most likely to fall in love at first sight? *J, V, Z, A: 3-4*
Zoë: we know the story of this both. It was pretty much love at first sight...
Me: he couldn't resist my Spanish charm...
Jack: and you my dashing good looks....
Me: touché. Who's most likely not to stop talking on the plane? *J, V, Z, A: 3* I just need to get my mind off everything. Traveling is not my thing.
Zoë: or sleeping, is also a very good tip for travel anxiety.
Zoë: who's first in line to help?
Jack: I'm not even going to bother on answering this one.
Me: it's him. *laughing my butt off*
Zoë: *also laughing* I don't even know him that well, and I know it would be him.
Alfie: sorry mate... Val looses anyway. She's got the most cards of all of us.
Me: I'm so good at this game...

This chapter I want to dedicate to my best friend, for being there all the time. And that is actually the real story, obviously there are a lot of details left, but their kind of hard to explain.

I just wanted to tell you, that I love you and that I hope our friendship lasts forever. I love you 💕😘.

By the way, I guess you've seen I've been putting the outfits of Jack and Valeria, that's because I've created a Polyvore account and I am posting there all of their outfits. Be the first to know how they'll look like in next chapter. And this way you can tell me if you like them or not. I won't have to resource to my best friend.... Sorry if I'm a bit annoying... Love ya.
Username: sonia-linares00

Also, this FanFic is full of true facts about me. I thought it would be fun if you kind of played along and tell me which ones you think are the true ones.

Finally (I swear), thank you for 500+ reads. Each day I check I see more and more reads. Tell me if you've been enjoying so far and your favourite part so far. Comment to let me know p, feel free.

Love you all. ❤️💕

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