Mercy x Reader Part 1

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You had known Mercy for a very long time, you weren't necessarily best friends but you knew her well.

The first time you met her you honestly thought she was an angel.
She's also the only reason your alive.

You heard she had worked overtime just to keep you alive and you were forever grateful for that.

Mercy, to put it simple, is perfect.

You were actually kind of jealous of how perfect she was, what you didn't know though, was that mercy tried her absolute best when it involved you.

She loved you, you just didn't know. It didn't seem Like you showed any interest in her at all, so she started to lose hope.

Then, she caught you staring at her one day and when you noticed she was looking at you, you blushed and turned away embarrassed. She regained hope after that.

Mercy POV.
I was doing the usual in my room, studying medical procedures.

I could barely concentrate though, Y\N was on my mind more than the usual lately.

I just can't stop thinking about how perfect they are, their smile, eyes, everything is so cute.

I really want to tell Y\N how much I love them, but I don't know if they feel the same*sigh*


Today is the day. Your so excited because your finally going to ask Mercy out on a date.

You just happened to see Mercy walk into the kitchen area and luckily there was no one else besides you two there.

"Hey Mercy what's up!" You greeted her

"Oh! Y\N hello I didn't see you there"she blushed

"Its cool, hey I wanted to ask you something"you said

"Hmm sure what is it?" She asked curiously.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie, yaknow like a date?" You asked smiling confidently

"H-huh uh yeah sure that'll be great!" She grinned while blushing

"Great how about later tonight at 8" you said

" yeah that's great!" She said happily

"Cool see you then" you said then walked out the kitchen grinning, you couldn't wait for tonight.


OK that's part one done😊
[Next Mcree x Reader]

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