Reaper x Abused Reader Part 1

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(TRIGGER WARNING: Abuse is mentioned in this chapter)

"Y/N GET BACK HERE!" you heard your mother call out in the night

you continue running, you were definatly NOT turning back. Your mother wasn't exactly what you would call perfect, she drank and had difficulty paying bills she also had no support whatsoever.

You where the only good thing in her life, or atleast you used to be. 2 years ago your mother started to verbally abuse you and a year after that it turned physical.

You ran as fast as you could even though you were sure she wasn't following you. Eventually you collapsed from exhuastion, you could see your breath in the cold winter air. In your rush to get away you forgot to grab a jacket and was only wearing a shot sleeved shirt with pants and your shoes.

You shivered and stood up, you had to find someplace warm or you would definalty get frostbite or something.

As you walked you thought about your mother, you pitied her. Your father died when you were five and it was very hard on her.

You never thought she would become something so horrible though. You were old enough to where you could call child services thought your mother could get better.

She didn't.

Then you finally snapped when broke a beer bottle on your head screaming that it was your fault that dad died. You lashed out at her screaming profanities.

And now your here, out in the middle of the forest, during winter, freezing.

*Click* "Don't move" you heard a deep voice say

You froze, terrified, you looked up from the ground only to see a man with bizarre clothing.

It was quiet for a few seconds till he asked "Who are you?"

"M-my name is Y\N L\N"


I'm doing so any part 1's lol. Anyways I'm making a new book called 'what you seek is seeking you' it's a Supernatural book, so if you want you can go check it out but it's still going through a lot of editing.


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