Soldier 76 x Female Reader

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"Y\N that was reckless be more careful!"John Morrison, better known as Soldier76, scolded.

You and your team which consisted of Soldier76, Hanzo, Zarya, Lucio, and you were escorting a pay load while Winston, Tracer, Widowmaker, D.Va, and Mercy tired to stop all of you.

"I am being careful! Your just being slow!"You retorted.

He grunted"Just be more careful, AND I'M NOT BEING SLOW!" he yelled

You were known in Overwatch HQ for being arrogant, big-headed, reckless, the list could go on and on. All though you kinda had an excuse for that, Junkrat was kinda the one who raised you, shocking I know, how he managed not to kill you is a mystery.

"just be more carefu nananmnan," You mocked him" Your not my DAD!"

You froze, he were dead.

He hates being called Dad by anyone.

"Shit."you mumbled

He turned around slowly and said one word that made your skin crawl


And that's what you did, you sprinted away from him terrrified for your life.

You could hear his heavy footsteps behind you, slowly but surely, catching up. You tried zigg-zagging but nothing seemed to get him off your trail. Your lungs were burning and you were starting to stumble.

You quickly dove behind a conveniently placed rock, hoping that he wouldn't see you. You peeked over the rock when you heard no footsteps.


"AHHHHH!!!" You screamed in surprise, he was right behind you.

"H-hey what's up..?"You said nervously

"...."He didn't reply

"Are you o-ok?"You asked, stuttering slightly

"..."He said nothing once again. You gulped 'He's probably thinking of ways too kill me'

Suddenly he grabbed you and threw your small figure over his shoulders"W-what are you doing"You squeaked

The match was long over by now and everyone had already gone back to HQ, which is were he had started walking. ''O-oh so we're going back to HQ o-ok"You slightly calmed down

He grunted in reply.

Soon the both of you arrived at HQ and you were greeted by everyone who saw you come in.

"Ooooohh looks like someone's in trouble."Lucio teased as he started trailing behind Jack so he could talk to you.

"Oh haha very funny." You retorted.

'You gotta help me'You mouthed to him

Lucio just shook his head and chuckled"I gotta tell everyone man, we bet on why the two of you went missing during the match, I gotta get my $20 from Tracer."

"YOU TRAITOR!"You screamed at him after when he left.

You noticed that you were heading to his room and you groaned thinking that he was going to make you clean his room and bathroom.

H opened his door and set you down in the middle of the room. He then shut the door behind him.

"S-so why are w-we here"you cursed yourself for stuttering

He chuckled"Your going to be punished for calling me Dad."

You sweat nervously"Y-you wouldn't really punish your Girlfriend would you"

He started to get closer and closer and closer, let's just say you were sore for a whole week.


Extended ending:

"GIVE ME 60 MORE CRUNCHES!"He screamed at you(You thought they had sex didn't you, well you thought wrong beitch!:P)



you paused"What if I call you Daddy?"



"400 PUSH UPS!"


Guys I just noticed I have a habit of putting peace at the end of the chapters, I'm the new Zenyatta..Peace and blessing mothafuka!


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