Chapter 4 :The Apparition of a Delirious Fantasy

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I sat slumped in the corner of my room with a large knife in my hands. I was half asleep but my eyes were still darting around the room looking for any of the demons. My arm was bleeding from a long cut down my wrist and my forehead was cracked open as was leaking blood into my eyes. Blood was splattered all along the carpet and walls. My dresser was tipped over with clothes strewn around it and my desk was tipped on its side with its legs broken off. I was feebly shaking as sweat made my shirt stick to my back. All through the night grotesque monsters had been invading and trying to kill me. So far I've only been able to survive because of the fear of them slowly killing me even though at this point I would much rather be dead. Thats how I got the cut on my arm. It was a self inflicted attempt  to take the easy way out. It didnt work though. One of the monsters had knocked the blade out of my hand. I tried using a gun but the bullets were instead inserted into the monsters.

I snapped my eyes over to the door as the doorknob turned slowly and the door swung open. I held up my knife ready to protect myself.

"Gerard? Are you in here? Why havent you answered the door?" Frank asked stepping into view. I couldnt make out any of the words that were being said. My head was buzzing and the walls wouldnt stay in place. Frank gasped as he looked around my room. He stepped farther into the room looking around and I lurched to my feet ready to defend myself but I fell to my side and hit the wall. 

"Stay back!" I tried to hiss at them but it came out as a grumbled moan.

"Woah, are you okay?" Frank asked alarmed. "This place is a mess!" I didnt see Mikey and Fran kstanding in the doorway. I saw two more demon monsters coming to kill me. I screamed and charged at the raising the knife above my head. Frank ducked down below my blow by Mikey didnt see it coming. I knocked him down on his back as I kneeled over him.

"Gerard what are you doing? Get the fuck off of me!" Mikey yelled up at him struggling underneath him.

"Shut up!" I yelled down at him. "The quicker I can kill you the quicker this will all be over with you bastard demon!" The words were heavily slurred but Frank caught some of the words. I pressed the knife up to Mikey's throat when Frank came barraling at me and knocked me off of him. My head smacked against the floor and I coughed up a bit of blood.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Frank yelled at me. I gritted my teeth and squirmed underneath him. I was so sore and every moveent hurt. Mikey started to get up off of the floor and walked over to Frank and me. I spat and cursed at them. 

"Dont kill me this way!" I yelled up thrashing around weakly underneath them. Frank looked over at Mikey and they exchanged wierd glances with eachother. I mistook thier looks for a sign that the end of me was coming soon. I welcomed that fact yet  Istill feared it. Mikey went into the bathroom and camed out with a cold glass of water. I struggled underneath Frank even more. "No dont poison me! Dont make me rot from the inside out!"  Mikey shifted his wieght unevenly. He then threw the ice cold liquid at my face as an attempt to wake me up from my hallucinations. I mistook the stun it gave me for the sense of burning. 

"Get it off me!" I screamed thrashing out at Frank once again. I screamed as the liquid burned into me. I wanted out but they wouldnt kill me I wanted out of this nightmare. Maybe I would just have to kill myself.  Mikey came over and helped Frank hold me down against the floor. They must've been ready to wait out my slow death. I started hitting my head against the floor and knocked myself out cold before theycould stop me.

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