Chapter 5: Desperate

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My head swum as my eyes flickered open. I found myself lying in one of the booths on the bus. How the heck did I get here? I groaned as I brought my hand up to my aching head. Frank sat across from me watching me intently. 

"I'm scared for him." Mikey told Frank not realizing that I was awake yet. He was playing a game on the old Nintendo with Ray. "I've never seen alcohol do that to him."

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. I didnt want to have to hear them talk about me. Frank still had his eyes on me and mustve thought I had fallen asleep again as he answered. Frank sighed.

"I'm sorry to say but its obvious now that he's addicted to some kid of drug. He's been acting strange for days and I'm surprised we hadnt noticed sooner. He must've overdosed like crazy the other night." Frank said quietly shaking his head.  Mikey paused the game and looked over at me.

"Maybe we should take him to the doctor. I dont like the way his head is split open." Mikey said biting on his bottom lip. 

"We will when he comes through and isnt trying to kill us." Frank replied to Mikey with a sigh. I opened my eyes again ready to face them. I didnt like hearing them talk about me. 

"I'm fine." I choked out in a hoarse voice. The game on the TV instantly paused as Mikey rushed over to stare down at me.

Frank raised his eyebrow slightly. "Gerard, just stay still its okay. You're safe."  I didnt like the way he said that I was safe. It was a lie and I could hear it in his voice. I wanted to sit up and glare at him but I could barely find the strength to even voice my own thoughts. I was weak and sore and my whole body ached.

"No, we arent." I choked out searching around for the monsters. Who was to say they were gone? Frank sighed and shook his head. 

"Gerard, there are no monsters." Frank said sternly. "What's going on Gerard? You've been acting strange for awhile and this is just too much." I shook my head and shakily began to sit up.

"They're going to come back." I replied clutching at my head. Damn, it really hurt. My bottom lip stuck out unintentionally as I brought my hand back down to see it covered in blood. My lip started to quiver. 

Frank's eyes widened a bit. "Sh, Gerard its okay. We'll go get you fixed. Don't cry." he murmured gently standing up and coming over to put his arm around me even though I was an obvious mess. I was covered in blood, sweat, and bile. How could he stand to be this close to me?

"M-my head hurts." I slurred with my bottom lip quivering, Why was there this much blood? How did my head get cracked open. 

Frank sighed. "I know Gee, I know. We'll get you to a doctor and have you stitched up real soon." He promised trying to soothe me. Too bad it did the exact opposite of that. 

"No, Hell fucking no!" I screamed at him. No way was I going to allow any doctor or person or even monster to stick a needle into my head. I frantically tried to back away from Frank but found my back pressed up against the wall. O this was the monsters all over again. It was just like before. They were coming after me in my room and they nearly had me when they had me trapped in a corner. The only thing that saved me was a shard of glass I had found on the floor. There wasnt anything like that near me now.

"Gerard, calm down please. Sorry I guess we wont then." Frank said worridly as he watched me thrash about in front of him. He was quite conflicted at the moment. He didnt want me to bleed out but he also didnt want to see me like this. "Gee, let me just at least try and stop the bleeding in your head?" he asked reaching out a hand towards me. I shook my head violently met by black dots flashing around my vision. 

"No, no." I stuttered with cold sweat trickling down my face. How do I escape the monsters now? Would they even come back? Of course they would. They hadnt killed me yet. I lurched up on to my feet and fell forward onto the ground trying to get away from Frank. What if he was with the monsters? What if he was just trying to take me to them? Frank bent down and crouched beside me as I tried to sit up.

"Gerard, lets just go back and lie down for a bit." He suggested as I tried backing away from him. If they were going to find a way to kill me then I would just have to kill myself before they did. I wasnt sure if that even made much sense in my own head but it seemed true enough. Was my own method of dying better than whatever the monsters had planned for me? I wasnt sure but I knew I shouldnt stick around to find out. What did I even have to use? I looked around quickly searching for an escape. Frank noticed that. He was getting worried. He had seen me act like this before. Desperate to find a way out. Frank quickly jumped at me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Frank, p-please dont do this. I cant let them take me."  I pleaded trying to force him off of me.

"Then dont leave me!" He shouted back. "Im not letting you leave me behind or even think about it again. I've done too much and so have you to just throw it away now. Just please try to calm down. The effects will ware off eventually. They just have to." He spoke turning the conversation to trying to keep hope in himself as well as in me. My head was hurting so bad. The whole room was swaying once again and even though Frank weighed practically nothing it felt as if his weight was crushing me. Something that obviously couldnt be. 

"Frank!" I screamed hoarsely. "C-can't breathe!" I gasped struggling beneath him. Frank kneeled above me not having any weight on me at all. His knees were placed on either side of me and his hands were cupped around my face.

"Whats wrong?" Frank asked frantically as he looked down at me. Even he know that his weight wouldnt crush me. 

"Cant breathe!" I choked again trying to fill my lungs up with air. Nothing was working. I couldnt seem to pull enough oxygen in. I was slowly falling back and my struggles became weaker.

"Gerard?" Frank said looking down at me as my eyes slowly closed. "Gerard!" he screamed as I fell limp beneath him.

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