The Pedantic Perfectionist

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I've heard some people whispering things,

From different cliques and different rings,

Of my weird, strange habit of getting in the way,

Oh I just can't help it! I just have to say:

That table ledge is not parallel to that wall,

That writing is much too close to a scrawl,

Someone's folded the corner of my page,

The curtains are much too dark for that stage.

You haven't ordered your books alphabetically,

In fact, you've done it rather pathetically.

Sorry I didn't mean to offend,

But your hair's also too strange a blend.

Crisp sheets, not a line misplaced,

Such perfection is hard found and hard replaced,

A letter to the teachers however,

You can't just write whatever you please where-ever!

Always use a ruler when I draw a line,

Never use a blunt pencil, the tip's always fine.

Never a bubble in my contacted books,

Not a single mistake to overlook.

And yet something's always lacking,

In this perfection something's cracking,

My patience has since worn thin,

And my perfect world has died from within.

I am no more near perfect than when I was born.

Expectations still unreachable till this day,

No matter how hard I try.

And oh, how I try.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2011 ⏰

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