Love's other form

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  • Dedicated to Chels

They've been through all this before

Another day, this would have meant nothing.

But things have changed.

Many things have changed.

She takes his words,

Blow for blow,

And stores them

In the recesses of her mind.

Hoping, wishing, they don't mean anything.

He takes her hand,

Comforting and warm,

And she melts against him,


Unable to escape.

He turns away,

And she is left empty,

While he toys with her heart,

Coaxing her out of her shell,

Tempting her with sweet lies.

Once every while she succumbs,

To bouts of loneliness,

While she struggles to come to terms.

Terms that she'd rather not ponder at all.

Her head won't leave her heart alone.

And every time he calls,

She is there.

She cannot live a day without him.

A day is not even considered a day,

If he is not there to light the way.

And yet, everyone watches,

As she wastes away,

She becomes less of herself,

And they quake, uncertain who this is.

Love does strange things.

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