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Robin led the team into the forest towards the warehouse. There would most likely be dozens of goons in this forest ready to attack them from above. "Robin. Get up in the trees. Megan. Fly above Robin and keep a mind link open. Wally, scout ahead. The rest of us will stay grounded and stay alert," Aqualad said. Robin flipped up into the leaves and Megan flew above him. An hour passed before they heard anything at all then Megan screamed. She fell down through the trees and crashed into Superboy. The team heard more crashes and explosions from above and rustling trees. Then there was just silence. The team was sudenly relieved when their youngest member came down through the trees but that relief disapeared when he appeared to be falling. Wally ran forward and caught Robin. Well, more accurately gave Robin a softer landing. The boy was bloodied and coughing up blood. He was beaten to a pulp and a knife was in his chest. "Wally! Get him back to the mountain now!" Aqualad screamed and the rest of the team made their was back towards the bioship. Megan had woken up and was driving them home. They arrived minutes after Wally. Wally ran in to find Batman and Flash waiting to take their sidekicks home when Wally came tumbling in through the Zeta tubes. Wally was drained after running for miles and couldn't hold Robin anymore. Batman ran forward and beckoned Flash forward. Flash took Robin and ran to the Med Bay. Wally was on the floor panting when he saw Batman come up to him. He was about to say something when the rest of the team came running and flying, Megan, in. Aqualad ran to Batman, "We were attack on our mission. Robin was up in the trees when suddenly Megan dropped down. She was knocked unconscious. Then the rustling stopped but then Robin fell through the trees. Wally caught Robin and ran here." "Wally made it that far? You were all the way in Russia. Wally. You ran faster than your uncle ever has. Thank You," Batman said then ran off to the Med Bay. Artemis spoke next, "Wally. Batman just said Thanks! To you!" Wally ignored her and tried to stand but then collapsed again. Superboy helped him up and the group headed to the Med Bay. They got there just in time to hear the diagnosis, "He is beaten badly. We think he is in a coma. It could be months before he wakes up." Batman stormed out obviously on the verge of tears.

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