Wally West

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Wally Memory
"This boy has given himself superspeed identical to the Flash's on accident and I need you to find him and help him," Batman said to Robin in his Robin suit. Robin ran off and jumped onto his motorcycle. "Robin can drive," Megan said confused. She was interupted when Wally started moaning, "Why this memory. No no no. Ugh. Why this one." Sudenly the league was on a roof watching Robin stare down at something then he jumped. He tackled someone running at superspeed and the two tumbled to the alley way. The team found themselves already in the alley watching. "Who are you?" Robin asked the kid. The kid turned around to face Robin and the team, "Wally, Wally West." The memory of Wally was three years old and Robin was ten and Wally was thirteen. "Is that you?!" Megan asked Wally. "Ugh. Yes. This was on the night I got my superspeed. Robin was sent to catch me," Wally said and they turned their attention back to the memory. "Who are you?" Wally asked Robin. "I'm Robin. I work alongside Batman. You need to come with me so I can take you home," Robin began but the memory Wally freaked out, "No! You can't take me back there. They will just beat me again. I copied what happened to Uncle Barry so I could be fast like him and run away." Memory Wally was crying now and on his knees. Artemis turned to Wally, "Your parents abused you?" Wally turned away from her and the shocked looks on his teammates faces. "Your parents have been arrested and you are going to live with your uncle. Hey. Maybe you could be like me. Kid Flash maybe!" Robin said making memory Wally smile. Wally then looked at the young boy in front of him, "Well if you know my secret identity then I should know yours." Robin sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry. I can't. Let's get you to Flash I mean your uncle." "Cool. I'll take us! Haha," Wally ran and grabbed Robin then ran superspeed to his uncles house.

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