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Orphanage Memory
The team found themselves at an orphanage and it was aweful. Robin appeared to be the oldest boy there but was now only eight.
Robin was entertaining the younger kids. Some of the kids looked to have been crying or beaten but Robin had his hood covering his face so the team couldn't see if he was crying. Robin was hanging from the fan like a monkey. He would jump down then take one of the younger kids back up with him and swing them around and onto the old broken couch. Then a door smacked open and closed. The kids scattered to the back of the room behind Robin who dropped down. One little girl was in front of Robin still and a lady grabbed her from her pony tail. The woman slapped the girl across the face. The team wanted to get involved but all they could do was watch. The woman was about to go for another wack when Robin stepped in front of the girl. The girl ran to the scared group of kids. The woman's hand came down on Robin's face and he dropped to the floor. She kicked him now repeatedly, "You should learn some manners boy. I was disciplining her! Now you will get beaten in her place." Robin seamed to smile for a moment. Apparently this was what he wanted. He was protecting the little girl. The woman left then screamed at the kids, "Go to bed and take him with you!" Some of the older kids that were about two years younger than Robin were trying to pick him up. The combined force of six kids finally got the boy up and they dragged him upstairs. There was a small room with about five small beds that were pushed together to be larger. They let Robin down on the bed. Another girl came forward with a wet rag and bandages. The girl wrapped up Robin and then the kids all got into bed. They only had one small black blanket that they set on Robin. The little girl who Robin protected was now laying beside him with her head in his arm. She looked to be crying. The team watch the group of twenty little kids all settle in the small makeshift bed for hours. Eventually it seemed that Robin woke up. He tried to get up without waking the others. He jumped up onto the bed frame and walked gentle on it to the other side then left to the floor. He tossed the blanket onto the little girl and began picking up kids who were lying on the floor to fill the space he was once sleeping in. Robin looked out the window and it seemed to be only midnightish. The team felt themselves being pulled as Robin jumped out the window. The team followed the boy. He grabbed a long black hooded cloak from under a stone then ran off through the city. He ran into a crowd of people. He saw a large man but didn't notice it was the same one he knew a year ago that briefly comforted him at the circus. Robin stole his wallet then ran to the closest store he could fine. He ran in and bought forty two apples then ran back towards the orphanage. Robin jumped through the window and called out, "I got food!" The other kids perked up immediately despite it being about two am. The kids looked like they hadn't eaten in days. They greedily took their two apples and ate them. Robin ate one of his apples then gave the other two a little boy despite his stomach urging him to eat it for himself. The kids devoured the apples until all was left was the seeds and the stem. Robin collected it all in a small bag then dropped it out the window skillfully into the trashcan. The kids all then got to work on their chores until six am when the doorbell rang. It was obviously a rare occurrence because the kids were startled. Most men who visited apparently weren't very kind as the team thought based on what Robin did next. He lifted a hatch in the ceiling and began helping kids into it. Eventually he crawled in and the team was sudenly there too. Robin sent the kids down a small narrow passage and into an open room. The woman who had beaten Robin earlier came in and brought the large man with her then she left. Robin dropped down and faced the man in a battle stance. To say the least the man was startled but not as much as Robin was at the sight of Bruce Wayne. "I-I-I ne-e-eded the money. T-they were gonna sta-starve," Robin stuttered as tears ran down his face. Bruce seemed saddened and angered by this, "I am not here to hurt you. I am here to adopt you and get someone to take better care of all these kids. I am not mad about my wallet," then he looked up, "You kids can come down now." Robin was shocked.

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