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Adoption Memory
It appeared to be the same day. A new woman was helping Bruce sign papers while nurses were tending to the kids. Two cops were dragging the abusive woman away as she clawed at them. Robin was sitting with his hood up on a bench as a nurse tried to ask him questions, "Who patched you up?" "The others," Robin said gesturing to the other kids. The woman was about to ask another question when she was interupted by Bruce, "Richard. Go say bye to your friends. I am going to take you home now." "It's Dick. My name is Dick," Robin said before walking away. Robin picked up that same little girl who he had protected then the little boy who he gave the apple to grabbed his leg. The rest of the kids soon joined the hug and wouldn't let go. The nurses had to pull the kids away from Dick to tend to them. Dick was then led away from the kids and got into a large limo with Bruce and an older man in the driver's seat. "This is Alfred, my Butler and good friend," Bruce said. Dick merely nodded his head. The team watched as they appeared into the limo. "Oh wow. Robin is Dick Grayson!" Artemis said to the team as they watched the memory unfold. "Yes," Wally said. "Wait you knew!" Artemis argued. "We shouldn't argue now," Megan said. Aqualad agreed, "She is right. We need to pull him out of this. Who knows how long we have been gone from the real world." Superboy the balled his hand into a fist and thrust it through the young Robin's face and it just phased through, "How are we going to get his attention?" The team was then pulled into a new memory.
Batman Memory
"I know who you are Bruce," Dick said, "You can't hide it from me forever." "You caught me. No turning back now," Bruce chuckled, "How would you like to be my sidekick, Robin?" Dick was so excited and just nodded. Alfred stood beside Batman smiling, "Welcome to the team Master Richard. I am Agent A." "Cool," was all Dick said before it was a new memory. This one was one Wally knew very well.

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