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Wally looked over at his friend, "No! You said you would come back with us Robin! You tried to take my hand!" Wally ran over to Robin and grabbed him into a hug as he cried. Then Wally felt a shock when he grabbed Robin and Wally was vibrating uncontrollably giving off electricity. Then the team heard a soft beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Wally looked down at Robin who was now awake barely and crying. Robin was holding onto Wally like his life depended on it. "What happened," Megan asked.  Robin cried himself to sleep and so did Wally. A nurse approached the group now, "Wally saved him. You all caused enough brain wave activity that when Wally shocked the boy because he was vibrating so fast he revived Robin. He should be fine." The team now joined their mentors around Robin's bed and watched him sleep as Wally still hugged him with tears streaming down both their faces.

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