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Family Memories
Back to back memories were flowing in now. First was Artemis. Artemis had just gotten to school when Dick ran up beside her and said, "We'll laugh about this someday," and took a selfie woth her then ran off. Artemis didn't know him so she just thought the boy was weird. Next was Superboy. Robin and Superboy were fighting side by side to escape CADMUS. Next was Megan. Robin was on the couch and she came in with cookies. He just smilled at her and she returned it. Next was Aqualad. They were in Atlantis together. Robin had come to Atlantis with Aqualad to help him protect it and the two were having diner with the royal family and laughing before the fight. Next was Wally. The two were in the kitchen and Robin was pulling various items out of the fridge and throw them far in a random direction. The two were laughing as Wally ran and caught them in his mouth. It was a fun game. Next was Batman. Robin and Batman were just returning in the Batmobile. The two had Joker in the back seat and were laughing happily at a job well done. Then later in another memory Bruce was hugging Dick while Dick cried and Alfred joined the hug. Then finally was someone the team had never seen before. It was a girl named Barbara. Her and Robin had just gotten back from patrol. She was Batgirl. She changed out of her outfit and the two went to the carnival. "Barb do we have to do the wheel?" Robin said. She nodded. The two were at the top and Dick was upset. It reminded him of his parents deaths. "Don't think about that Dick," she said. "I can't help it Barb," he said tears on his cheeks. She leaned in and kissed him until they were almost halfway down the wheel. Then she pulled back and said, "What are you thinking about now?" The memories ended now and the team was just at an empty circus with a large trapeze set up.

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