Go to Sleep

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The Hulk was running through a clearing angrily, looking around, breathing heavily. He continued to run toward the city.


Jax was flying through the sky.  "News or footage. Keyword, 'Hulk'." The information popped up on the screen inside his helmet. "Natasha, I could really use a lullaby."


In the warehouse, Clint and Tatiana were kneeling next to Natasha and Ana.

Natasha and Ana were unresponsive, still trapped in their minds.

"That's not gonna happen," Clint told him. "Not for a while." 

Steve and Bree were lying on the floor, unresponsive, still trapped in their minds.

Thor was standing, unresponsive, still trapped in his mind.

"The whole team is down," Tatiana told him. "Other than your dad, Jax, you got no backup here."


Tony shot Ultron with a missile, making him explode. "I'm calling in Veronica."


In space, a package was released from a satellite, flying toward the Earth.


A military Humvee was driving through the city.

The Hulk ran past them down the street.

The Humvee followed, hitting into the Hulk.

The Hulk jumped onto the Humvee, ripping the ceiling off, reaching inside to pull the passengers out, tossing them aside.

The package flew closer.

Military men got out of another vehicle, firing at the Hulk.

The Hulk growled angrily, jumping onto a nearby car, crushing it, kicking the military vehicle toward the military men.

The package reached the hook. Metal staffs fell into the ground around him to surround him in a cage.

Military men cleared the streets, aiming their guns at the cage with the Hulk.

The Hulk couldn't break through the cage, so he broke through the ground, coming up on the other side, punching into a car repeatedly.

Military men fired at the Hulk.

The Hulk turned to face them angrily, growling.

Jax landed on the ground nearby, in a bigger and stronger Gold Strike suit to take on the Hulk. "All right, everybody, stand down!" He looked at the Hulk. "Will you listen to me? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her. You're smarter than her. You're Bruce Banner." The Hulk roared. "Right, right, right. Don't mention puny Banner." The Hulk picked up a car, throwing it at Jax. Jax caught it. The Hulk ran closer, punching the car, tearing it in half, pushing Jax over the ground, making him roll. Jax flew closer. "Okay!" He picked up the Hulk, slamming him into the concrete, dragging him along, breaking several yards of it. The Hulk kicked Jax off of him, making him fall to the ground. Jax stood. The Hulk ran closer. Jax caught him, throwing him into a semi truck, making the semi truck spin around and all of the boxes inside fall outside, making the Hulk fall to the ground. Jax walked closer. The Hulk stood, throwing Jax into a building. Jax started to fall, flying before he could touch the ground. The Hulk jumped onto Jax's back, making him fall. "In the back? Dick move, Banner." Jax punched the Hulk in the face, making him fall off of him through Town Square, making him fall through buildings and tents. He stood. "Dad, give me a hand."

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