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People say that time heals all wounds and yet it's been years and I still haven't. Everything and everyone who I loved dearly were taken from me, and every person and everything that I wish was gone from my life just keeps coming back.

I used to think that life was a beautiful fairytale, a great dream that I never wanted to wake up from, but I did. I woke up to reality and saw things that I wish I could unsee.

I saw the two people who I cared for the most murdered right in front of my nine-year-old self. I saw my parent's killer's face when he turned to me, smirking as he picked up the gun and pointed at me as I sat at a corner, crying and watched him pull the trigger.

Suddenly I woke up to darkness and that's when my life changed. I was informed that I was blind due to my injuries. I couldn't understand much during that time but I understood later on as the years went by.

I am now seventeen, used to waking up to endless darkness. For years, I've had a secret that no one but my uncle knows, and for years, my need for vengeance grew stronger but I knew I had to be patient or everything might fall apart just from one little mistake.

You may be wondering what secret could a blind girl be hiding aside from the fact that she saw her parents killer's face. You would probably laugh in disbelief if you heard about what I can do. I mean, who would blame anyone for not believing that I was capable of doing it.

I'm a trained fighter, but I like to keep a low profile. I have enough problems as it is. I have known how to fight since I was eleven years old. I wanted to be able to defend myself and not feel hopeless. I wanted to be able to do things for myself so I wouldn't depend too much on other people, especially my uncle. When he found out my parents died, he took custody of me. I actually didn't know he even existed but I was glad he took me in. He had helped me learn to sharpen all my other senses so that it would help me more.

It took a few years but it was worth it, because at seventeen, I'm not just a blind girl who could defend herself. I'm a blind girl who was not only lethal but could also be deadly.

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