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"Guess who's here, biatch!?"

I winced at the loud voice of none other than Hailz. "Dear God, do you not know how to enter my room normally?"

"Since when has she ever been normal?" Kenzie joked, entering after Hailz.

I thought about it before shrugging. "True, my bad."

"Excuse me, I'm right here." Hailz stated.

"So?" Kenzie and I asked simultaneously.

Hailz sighed. "Nevermind. Anyways, it's been a month since you got discharge from the hospital and since then, we haven't been able to hang out. So, I have decided that we are having a sleepover."

"What? No," I groaned, throwing myself back onto my bed. I was nearly fully healed so I didn't have to be cautious with how I moved. Uncle Dave and Mary would beg to differ but that's fine, I'm used to it already. In fact, I found it amusing after the second week of being home.



"Didn't I tell you to put your things away when you get home? What if Ava trips over them when she moves around?"

I sat on my bed, listening to music when the argument started. At first, I found it annoying because they were treating me like a child but not long afterwards, I found myself trying hard to not laugh at their arguments that always starts from minor things.

"She won't trip on them." Uncle Dave said.

"How would you know that?" Mary asked.

"Because I'll carry her around so that she doesn't need to walk."


"Ow! What the f-"

"What-" smack! "Kind-" smack! "Of" smack!

"Stop hitting me!" Uncle Dave yelped. It sounded like he was trying to run away from her hits but was having a hard time doing so.

"If you stop being stupid, then I wouldn't have to smack some sense into you! Carry her around, who do you think my baby girl is? A dependent woman? She can carry herself around if she wants to!" Mary yelled at him.

I smiled as I slowly stood up from the bed and carefully walked out of my room, using a crutch. I leaned myself against the wall, right at the entrance towards the living room where they were arguing.

"What are you two doing?"

When they heard my voice, they stopped. I heard a set of feet about to run my way when I suddenly heard a thump right in front of me.

Uncle Dave groaned in pain as Mary scoffed as she walked towards me. "Do you need anything, sweetie? Just ignore him. He's fine."

I smiled. "What are you guys arguing about?"

"Hm? Oh nothing, I was just trying to teach him some common sense. I know it's futile but I still have to try." Mary said, determined.

I laughed as I gripped my side. "You both are being silly. Anyways, I'm hungry."

"Okay, I got spaghetti ready. Just go sit at the table and I'll bring it to you." She said as she wrapped her arm with mine. She kind of jerked in my hand and at the same time, I heard a grunt. "Get up from there and put your things away or you'll find them thrown out the window."

"Ava! Hello?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when Kenzie clapped her hands in front of my face. "Yeah?"

"You look creepy, just smiling out of no where. What were thinking of? Is it dirty?" Hailz asked, teasingly.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not you."

She giggled. "Yeah, that's true." She pinched my cheek, cooing. "My sweet innocent Ava doesn't think of such despicable things."

Kenzie was practically dying of laughter. I rolled my eyes, smacking her hand away. "Anyways, seriously, why are you guys here?"

"We're serious, too. We are having a sleepover. We haven't had it for so long." Hailz made herself comfortable on my bed as Kenzie sat beside the bed.

I sighed and sat up. "Guys-"

"Nope, we left you alone for as long as could but I'm starting to have Ava-withdrawals. You can't do this to me!" Kenzied dramatic cried out.

I shook my head. "I was just going to ask what snacks and drinks I should ask Mary to bring in later."

It was quiet for a few seconds before excited squealing filled the room. I laughed and inwardly thanked them. I know it's been weeks but they still try their best to be by my side, even when I try to push them away. They will never know just how much this means to me.

The whole day was spent doing karaoke,  card games, truth or dare and many other games that always ended up with us rolling with laughter.

It wasn't until it was 2 in the morning that we finally went to sleep. Well, we didn't have a choice since Mary came in, threatening to beat us with a pot if we didn't quiet down and go to sleep.

I gotta say, I truly am lucky to have such amazing yet crazy people in my life.



I have a feeling there was supposed to be more in this chapter but I can't remember what it was that's supposed to be added so I'm just gonna leave it as one of the few chapters that's left with happiness and positivity. I think.

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