She's Blind, So What?

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Ryder's POV

She's what? She's blind? She doesn't even look blind, I thought as I watched her in front of me. I thought back to this morning before class started. She didn't even move like she's blind. She sure can make a person feel like a lowlife jerk.

I didn't notice the time pass by until the bell rang for end of class. I watched her as she grabbed her stuff and easily walked pass everyone without bumping into anything or anyone. I swear she moves better than a person who isn't blind.

I followed after her and saw her heading to AP Calculus, which made me grin. It seems we are classmates once again. Suddenly she turned and I almost ran into her.

"Why are you following me?"

I stared at her, shocked, "how did you know it was me?"

"It's easy for me to pick up the annoying scent of your cologne and the way you walk. You'd be surprised by how fast I can memorize an annoying person's scent and walk rhythm."

I looked at her, deadpan, "are you always such a bitch?"

"Only to people who deserve it," she smiled sweetly, then turned and walked into class.

It's honestly mesmerising how she can gracefully walk pass people and other things without any problems. People with eyesight still have trouble staying upright. We tend to bump into a lot of things that we might as well be the blind ones.

I walked in and sat beside her. I heard her sigh in irritation but she didn't say anything. Am I really that annoying that she's merely irritated by my presence? Well, I did slam her against the lockers...

Thinking about this morning brought a wave of guilt as I remembered how I treated her.

"Don't pity me." A voice cut in. I turned and saw her facing me.


"I said, don't pity me. Just because I'm blind, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass," she smirked.

I laughed, "yeah, right. You're so small, I'll be surprised if you could hurt a dog."

It looked like she was glaring at me but it was hard to tell with the ray bans covering her eyes. "Just wait and see, King. Don't say I didn't tell you."

I snickered, "okay then, whatever you say, beautiful."

"Stop calling me that!" She snapped at me.

"What? Beautiful? Would you rather I called you ugly?"

She grabbed her binder and smacked my head with it. I winced but laughed anyways. She tried to hit me again but I grabbed it and held it away from her.

She leaned over towards me to grab it back but I was bigger than her so I had an advantage. "Come on, beautiful, I'm pretty sure they would consider that abuse or something."

She scowled, "could you just give me back my damn binder?"

"Nah, I kinda like the fact that you're leaning over me." Which is true, I could feel her soft, curvy body against mine as she leaned up to get it. I could smell her perfume, roses and cinnamon. It's actually a refreshing smell compared to the overwhelming scent of the other girls that drown themselves with perfume.

She seemed to have realized that she was practically on top of me and so she smacked me, which made me lower my arm as pain struck through my face. She immediately grabbed her binder and sat back on her seat. I stared at her shocked, then I burst out laughing. I didn't realize the class had started but I didn't care. It's been so long since I've truly laughed so much in a day. She is truly something else.


After class ended, Ava was out the door before I could talk to her. I sighed and walked out. I saw Jake leaning against the lockers down the hall, bobbing his head with headphones on as he listened to music on his phone.

I nudged him on the shoulder to get his attention. He slid the headphones so it's hanging around his neck. "Yeah?"

"How long have you known Ava?"

His brows furrowed as he thought for a moment. "About a year, why?"

"Did you know she's blind?"

He nodded as he straightened from his position. "Yeah, I did. Nearly everyone in this school does. Why?"

I looked at him, dumbfounded, "why? Because I didn't know she was blind! She doesn't even move around like she is."

He stared at me like as if I'm stupid, "I'm pretty sure it's because she's blind for years so she managed to pick up a few tricks to make it easier for her."

"Yeah, but-"

"Look, she's actually a cool person, okay? She's blind, so what?" He cut me off, annoyed, "I don't know why you're so bothered about it. It's not like you're the one who has to live with seeing darkness the rest of your life. As your friend, I'm asking you to just leave her alone but as her friend, I'm warning you that if you hurt her in any way, you'll regret it."

I was so shocked that I just watched as he stalked off. This is the first time in our years of friendship that I've ever had Jake threaten me. He's usually the easy-going, hyper and funny guy amongst our group. It's rare to ever see him serious and this is one of those rare times.

I slowly walked towards our spot behind the school since I don't have class for third along with Jake and Derrick. As I reached our hangout spot, I saw Derrick sitting on the desk that was thrown out because it was badly vandalized. He was smoking a cigarette as Jake sat back against the wall as he once again listened on his headphones, humming from time to time.

"What's wrong with him?" Derrick nodded to Jake as he blew out the smoke.

I sighed, "I just asked some questions about that girl from this morning. Ava?"

He slowly nodded as he sucked on his cigarette. "Ahh, what did you say?"

"I just asked if he knew about her being blind and I also mentioned about how she doesn't seem like she's blind with how she moves."

He chuckled, "of course. He's just protective of her. I told you, he really likes her. I guess he thought that you were insulting her in a way or something."

"What?" I stared at him in disbelief, "protective of her? Pfft, that's an understatement. He threatened me." I hissed at him as I glanced at Jake to see that he was still occupied with his music.

Derrick's head snapped my way, "what? You serious?" He started laughing again, "awww man, he's so whipped."

I shoved him and he fell off the desk. I sat on the place he was sitting at as I glared at him. He was still laughing as he dusted himself off. "What the hell you push me off for?"

"You were irritating me," I simply said.

He rolled his eyes as he settled himself on a bucket that was also thrown here. Basically where we were at is like a junkyard because anything that's vandalized, broken or useless is thrown back here until the end of the school year when they clear it out.

We spent the next period just messing around. Jake got out of his bad mood and joined us, letting what happened between us during transitions go.

A/N: Just so you know, the pictures aren't mine, I googled them so credits go to the person who owns them. He's got a cute face though;) That cutie (aka Christopher McCrory is playing Ryder.

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