A Voice of an Angel

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"What did Kyle say?" Hailz asked as we started walking to class. I don't know what Kenz was doing but it sounded like she was on her phone from all the tapping and ding sounds coming from her.

I shrugged, "nothing, he just called me a desperate, seeking attention whore."


I laughed, "don't worry, guys. I'm okay."

They were silent for a moment.

"A?" Kenz hesitated. "You're not gonna... do anything too harsh, are you?"

I smiled sweetly, "of course not, why would I do such a thing?"

"Ava, come on, we know you. You are planning something, we don't know what but please don't do anything stupid okay?" Hailz pleaded.

I dropped the smile and stopped, "he shouldn't have humiliated me in front of the whole school then. I warned him before and it seems embarrassing him in front of his boys by beating him black and blue isn't enough to teach him, then I will show him what I can really do to him. Don't worry, I won't touch him, but what I have against him will make him wish he never opened his mouth in the first place."

"Ava, please," Kenz begged as she grabbed onto my arm, "you don't even care what other people think."

I yanked my arm away and glared, "Yes, you're right but that doesn't mean I am going to make others walk over me just because I am blind. They think that us disabled people are below them and I know you don't think that way but I can't..." I sighed, "I just can't let it go... okay? I'm sorry but... I need to do this. If not, I'm just going to hold onto all my anger and you know that doesn't work well for me. I know it seems like a little thing but this has been going on for years and to any other person, I know for a fact that bullying could lead to suicide for some people. This is my way of dealing with it."

Hailz sighed and hugged me. I felt Kenz go behind me, hugging us both. "We understand. Just don't get into any trouble and don't kill him."

I rolled my eyes, "don't be so dramatic. I am not a murderer."

"Yeah, but you are a trained fighter," Kenz teased.

"Shh! Someone might hear you!" I hissed.

I swear I can feel them rolling their eyes at me. "Like as if they couldn't figure that out with how you act. I'm surprised no one saw you slam Ryder against the lockers yesterday. Are these people blind or something?"

I laughed at that, "I know right? Come on, you guys gotta head to class."

"Where are you gonna be? I still kind of find it unfair that you get to have three free periods." Hailz whined.

I laughed, "well, if you guys listened to me and did online classes, you would have free periods, too."

"Whatever," Hailz said.

I laughed again and shoved them, "Go."

"Yes, ma'am!" they both shouted as they ran to class.

I shook my head and started walking down the hall, listening for the sound of the instruments. I took a right and heard a piano playing and I smiled.

I walked a few feet and placed my hand on the door and pushed lightly.

"Ahhh, Ms. Ava, it's good to see you here again," Mr. Logan greeted.

I took off my ray banz and placed it on top of my head. "Hi, Logan."

He insisted I called him Logan since he is actually a close friend of Uncle Dave and probably because I was his best student during freshman year. Ever since I got into music class, it became something that helped me through my struggles. It helped me get away and find peace. I know it sounds stupid but that's how I feel. At first, I was angry because how could a blind girl play? Logan was patient though and he helped me through it. This was during the time when I was still learning to depend on my senses. It took me awhile but after a few weeks, I loved it. Uncle Dave was surprised when I started playing the piano at home because although it was almost two years he's been training me, I was still struggling. I guess you could say, music took a part in saving me.

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