For The Love of Bacon

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Ava's POV


I shot out of bed and immediately tumbled to the floor. I groaned as my tired body throbbed in pain from the fall.

"Ava!" The door burst open and the person ran to the bed, jumping into it. "Ava?"

"What, Hailee?" I said, muffled from my face being covered by the comforters that manage to twist around my entire body when I fell off the bed.

I felt her move to look over at me. "What you doing down there?"

I imagined thousands of ways of killing her before I managed to gather the energy to turn over onto my back. "Well, some idiot decided to scream like she was being killed as I was sleeping so peacefully in my comfy, warm bed!"

She slightly moved back when I screamed the last word. "Oops... sorry?"

I glared at her direction or at least I think I did. I'm too damn tired to think straight right now.

"Why are you so grumpy anyways? I'm surprised you're still sleeping. It's already 10 in the morning."

I groaned again as I thought of the excessive workout my uncle put me through the day before. "Training. Uncle Dave thought it would be a good idea to try to kill me."

"Hey now, don't be so overdramatic," he said as he walked into my room.

I threw up my hands, "do you guys not know the concept of privacy?"

"Nope," they said.

I rolled my eyes and forced myself up, biting back the curses that I wanted so badly to let out.

Uncle Dave chuckled, "you look like shit, Ava."

"Shut up," I mumbled as I felt my way towards my bathroom.

"Wow, you really wore her out," I heard Hailz say as I opened the bathroom door.

"I guess I did go a little overboard..." he said.

I shut the door and slowly walk towards the bathtub. I turned on the faucet and made sure the water temperature was not too hot before taking off my clothes. I carefully slid into the tub of hot water, hissing through my teeth as I felt every aching bone and bruised muscle scream in agony.

I leaned back against the tub and closed my eyes, taking deep, calming breaths. I was so close to falling onto cloud 9 when a knock sounded at the door. "Ava?"

"For the love of bacon, WHAT?!"

"Never mind," Hailee said quickly through the closed door.

I quickly washed up and got out, drying my body and then getting dressed. I walked out into my room and noticed how quiet it was. Great, now that I'm done showering and doing everything, they decide to get out. Stupid, annoying, stubborn, irritating...

"Done ranting to yourself?"

I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't ranting to myself. I was cussing at Hailee and my uncle in my head for irritating me this morning."

Kenzie laughed, "come on, lets go. Mary cooked us fried rice and bacon with eggs."

My head whipped her way even though I couldn't see her, "No, you're lying."

"I'm surprised you couldn't smell it from up here."

My eyes widened, "those evil jerks!"

I ran out the room and nearly fell down the stairs.

"Ava, be careful!" Kenzie shouted from above.

"They are going to finish my precious food! I swear on my life, I will kill them if they've finished it!"

I skid to a stop in the kitchen and inhaled the delicious smell of bacon and eggs.

I felt someone coming to me and I turned my attention to it.

"Don't worry, Ava. I know better than to leave it all out when these two are around," Mary said, sounding amused.

I beamed and kissed her on the cheek, "thank you! You're the best!"

I sat down and shoveled the delicious food into my mouth.

Mary laughed, "Ava, slow down."

I shook my head as I swallowed a big mouthful. "No way, if I don't eat it, those monsters will." I said, pointing across from me.

Within five minutes, I managed to polish my plate clean. I leaned back in satisfaction and burped. "Oh, that was good."

"Ew, A. Manners."

I rolled my eyes at my uncle's words. "Like as if you don't do worse."

"Now that you're done feeding the beast, lets head out." Hailz said teasingly.

"To where?"

"There is a party tonight at Jerry Kingston's place. We are going."

I grunt at Hailee's words but got up anyways.

I kissed Mary on the cheek goodbye before the girls and I went down on the elevator.

"Just to be clear," I started as we exited the lobby doors, "we are spending no more than 3 hours at the mall, okay? I am serious."

"Of course, we won't take long," they chorused and I tilted my head in suspicion but I just shook my head as we got into the car.

5 hours later...

"Hailee and Mackenzie!" I shouted and they both froze. "You both better wrap it up and pull yourselves together or I will give away one shopping bag every minute that passes to a random person until we finally get food."

They gasped and shot up from their positions on the floor. They were wrestling for the last pair of red stilettos.... or so I heard. I was too busy talking to the cashier to pay attention. I believe his name is Tony. He sounded cute.

"I want food," I said with a stern face.

"Sheesh," Hailz started, "don't need to resort to threatening us. You could've just said so."

I took a deep breath as my hands clenched into fists. I turned and quickly walked out before I end up punching my best friend in the face.

Seriously, how am I friends with these people? Even as that thought crossed my mind, I smiled. Right... they are as crazy as I am.

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