5. Admitted Feelings

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A few hours after I went back to Roc's place. Ray was hugging me. I was still slightly pissed even after beating Khalil's ass.

Ray was backing up but his eyes never lost contact with me. He stopped then turned to Prince.

Prince was looking at me, "Craig, you okay?" I nodded and gestured for Ray to come back over to me. He did and I took his hand and smiled at him.

Don't worry about Khalil though, he's stuck in the hospital for a long while.

"I'm better now thanks" He nodded and went over to Roc. I looked at Ray, "I'm going out, I'll be back later." With that being said I walked out of the house.


Craig had this suspicious glint in his eyes.  I sighed, what the hell is he planning. I laid down on the couch.

Next thing I hear is kissing noises. Hell no. I throw a pillow over at Roc and Prince. They look at me like what the fuck.

"Take that in the goddamn room. I really don't want or need to hear or see that." They finally left to Roc's room. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.


I was walking down the pier. I saw two people, Khalil and Craig. What the hell? Khalil looked as if he was getting ready to beat the hell outta me again.

Craig looked sincere and happy to see me. I took his hand and Khalil disappeared. Craig walked with me and suddenly I was backed up against the wall of a building.

Craig looked into my eyes and I was looking into his. Pretty soon he started to lean in and so did I. Our lips met and I felt sparks and lots of them.

He pulled away and smiled lightly at me. Do I actually feel something for this guy. I sighed as he took me to watch the sunset.

(End Dream)

I was woken up by the sound of Prince's screams. I groaned silently and threw a pillow over my head.

I swear one of their dicks is gonna fall off if they keep going like that. I sighed and felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Craig. I smiled lightly and he took my hand. "Come on" I gladly got up and followed him out.

He looked at me and smiled shyly. I giggled at him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it causing me to blush.

"You hungry?" I nodded and we went into a restaurant. "How may I help you gentlemen?" Craig smiled, "I have a reservation...under Crippen"

"Ah, we were expecting you. Right this way" We were lead to our table and being the gentleman he is Craig pulled my seat out for me.


After Ray sat down, so did I. I smiled lightly at him and I noticed he was blushing. "You look cute when you blush." He blushed even more.

I chuckled softly to myself and looked at the menu. Suddenly I feel another hand on mine. I looked up at Ray, "You know you didn't have to do all this."

I chuckled softly, "I know but I wanted to." Ray looked shocked by my answer. I took his hand and kissed it and saw him blush a rosey red. He is so adorable.

"After this I'm taking you somewhere else." He nodded and then the waiter came so we ordered our food.


After we had ate the waiter brings us the bill. Craig paid the bill and we left to the amusement park.

We played a few games. Craig won a Domo plushie and he gave it to me. I smiled lightly and kissed his cheek. Friendly gesture of course.

He smiled and we went to ride on some of the rides. We rode them all at least two times.

Last place we were headed to was the pier. I smiled lightly as he took my hand. "Ray, I have something to say..."

I nodded for him to continue. He sighed, "Rayan, even though we just met not more than a few days ago. I feel like I need you around. I mean, I love everything about you. Your laugh, your smile, and even the way you blush every time you look my way. I know you just got out of an relationship. Thing is that I want to be there for you. I will always fight to protect you. Your happiness is what keeps me going. If you would let me, I would heal whats left of your heart. I.....I love you, Rayan"

I was so speechless and I was in tears. Without thinking I ran off leaving Craig behind. He called after me but I just kept going. I needed to be alone to think.


Craig came back somewhat depressed. His eyes showed no emotion whatsoever.  Hes really hurt, I wonder what happened.

He was just sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "I'm so stupid......he will never want me..."

Roc and I looked at him worriedly. Ray came and he looked at Craig with a longing. "Craig....." He looked at him and got up then left out.

Ray looked upset about Craig leaving the house. "Ray, you okay?" He looked down, "No....I..I think I hurt Craig....."

"How?" He told me everything that happened. Craig confessed his feelings for Ray. He ran off and now Craig is depressed about it. Ray told me about his secret feelings for Craig.

"You have to tell him...." He looked at me like I was crazy, "Nooo, I'm not ready." I sighed, "Look Ray, Craig loves you more than he's ever loved his exes. To see him so deep in depression like this scares me, he's never went this deep. Please...."


I caused Craig to go into deep depression. I went out and found him by a tree leaning on it.

I walked over and pinned him there. "Let me go...." I shook my head, "No, I will not. Your going to listen to what I have to say." He groans silently. "Craig, I didn't mean to run away from you the way I did. Truth is that I....I love you too. I just was afraid to tell you. When you poured your heart out to me I just didn't know how to react to it. I'm sorry."

I looked down at the ground and he lifted my head up. "You could have just told me..." He crashed his lips into mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms were around my waist and he brought me closer to him, deepening the kiss.

I felt so many sparks and I broke away from him. He was smiling at me, "I love you, Rayan" I took his hand and went back inside with him. "Btw....I love you too, Craig"


I growled slightly as I was just watching them. No one gets Prod but me. That little boy better watch his back. I walked away thinking of how to get rid of the little pest.

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A/N: Chappie 5 is done.

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