The tournament begins (Intro)

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Super Smash Brothers. The name of the universal tournament where a collection of fighters from all over the spectrum come to spar in the name of fun and glory. Ranging from a small electrical mouse to warriors of far way lands, each contestant fights for their own reasons. Wither to seek the ultlimate power or to finally come out of his brothers's shadow.

Not all matches are judge the same, in past tournaments, the contestents won by various means. Some won by collecting the most coins, being the last man (or women) standing, or the fan favorite, King of the Mountain. Where the contestants must, by the name of the game, be the king of the mountain. Though that one has two methods of winining. The winner can be declared by who is one the mountian the longest or who is one the mountian when the timer is up.

Over time the tournament has gathered more and more contestants, forcing the tournament to grow itself. As most of the spectators know, the Small Ball and various other tools were implemented in the last tournament. This time around, more items are allowed as well as new areas for the matches, as well as other additions. The characters have access to new techiques that is native to their world, and also have the use of different final smashes. Though once they have selected their moves, they will not be able change them for the rest of the tournament.

When the contestents are waiting for their respective match, they are able to use the facilities that the tournament has to offer. "Hit the Targets", "Home-run Contest", and "Multi-man Melee" are just a few of these facilities. One new addition is "Gift Boost", an item that can only be obtain by winning an event or placing first in time trials. This item can either boost a random attribute of a contestant or give them a second wind during their match.

Another addition is "Four man boss medley" where the contestants can either form their own teams, or join a random one, to fight all the major bosses that have appered over the tournament's history. It must be noted that the matches are simulations and not the actual bosses themselves. Those that can make it pass certian points, and ultimately beat the medley will win gifts ranging from "Power stickers" to the new "Gift boost". Though there is lots more to be covered, time is running short and the contestants have yet to have been introduced.

The number of contestants this time around have peaked at fifty characters. Each one showing remarkable strength, ingenuity, and determination. We will be annoucing the veterans, then the newcomers shortly after.

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