[1] "Always and Forever"

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Strolling down the iridescent lit streets of the French Quarter I smiled as loud rhythmic music began to pulsate amongst the tourists and local people. Although as I made my way down the sidewalk, I couldn't help but feel eyes me. Taking out my phone I sent a quick message to Camille letting her know I had finished my shift volunteering and was on my way to meet her at work. Almost immediately, I was met with a reply.

From: Cami

To: Charlotte

Okay, See you in a minute.x

Placing my phone back into my pocket, I made my way to Rousseau's – The local bar that Camille worked at. I'd moved to New Orleans at roughly the same time Cami did. She'd mentioned her father and that he may have known my family – something about my last name sounding familiar. I'd initially moved to New Orleans with my father but after he abruptly left she'd offered to take me in and allowed me to stay with her until my father came back. It wasn't a surprise that he had to leave, I mean he was in the military and I knew at some point he would have to leave again. Crossing the road, I heard a voice from behind me.

"Marcel's looking for you."

Stopping in my tracks, I hesitated before speaking calming.

"I've been told already."

"Better be quick, Marcel isn't one to wait."

Turning around to face the person, I was met with nothing. Stupid Vampires. Composing myself I briskly walked the short distance left to Rousseau's and entered. Making my way towards the bar I sat down; placing my bag besides me. I smiled at Camille as she set my drink down in front of me.

"Hey, how was work?" Laughing lightly, I answered back.

"Cami, you say that every time!"

"You're there long enough, they should be paying you!" She smiled a subtle hint of seriousness behind her words.

"Wouldn't that defeat the point of volunteering?" I challenged a smile clearly visible. Shaking her head at me, she walked away to serve another customer.

"Is this seat taken?"

Turning around, I was met with a questioning yet friendly smile of a man dressed in a formal suit. Trying to grasp the reason for the suit, I replied with a shake of my head and a small smile. Watching me closely, his eyes lingered over mine and then rested just below my chin; at my necklace. Grasping it tightly, I turned away just as Camille placed his drink down.

"So what brings you to the big easy?" She questioned, her eyes darting to mine as she watched me remove my hand from my necklace.

"I used to live here." He answered smoothly. His voice sounded formal, and he spoke with an edge that dared you to question his authority.

"Really? When?" Camille asked. Her hands resting on the edge of the bar.

"Oh, feels like a 100 years ago." The man spoke amused, a hint of seriousness behind his words.

"I take it you're not here by choice..." I questioned amused, a smile forming on his lips as he turned his head towards me.

"My, brother is here somewhere. I'm afraid he might have gotten himself into a bit of a bind." He replied smoothly, his eyes focusing on his drink.

"You say that like it's a common occurrence." Cami spoke, replacing my drink with a glass of water. I smiled in thanks. She must have noticed I wasn't in the mood for alcohol. My hands grasped the glass in front of me as I listened to the man speak.

"Well, he's complicated, defiant, ill-mannered, and a little temperamental." He listed, taking a sip of his drink before he continued.

"You see we don't share the same father. Of course, that never bothered me, but my brother resents it deeply, never felt like he belonged."

"Me and him both..." I spoke to myself, taking a drink from the glass of water. I could see the man's eyes on me as I did so, a look of curiosity evident in his eyes.

Had he heard me?

"All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble." He continued. I smiled to myself as Cami spoke swiftly.

"And I'm guessing you have a long history of getting him out of it?" He nodded slightly in response resting his hands in front of him.

"What kind of bind is your brother in?" I questioned curiously. The man sighed before answering.

"He believes there are people in this town that are conspiring against him." The man spoke seriously. 

"Wow, narcissistic and paranoid." Cami spoke straightforwardly. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at her words before she realised what she'd said.

"Sorry. Bartender with a grad degree in psychology, total cliché."

Brushing off her words, the man looked at what I'm sure was her name tag before speaking once again.

"Listen Camille. I'm looking for someone who might shed some light on his current predicament. She works here – Jane-Anne Deveraux. Any idea where I might find her?"

"No, but I'm sure Charlotte knows someone who might." Camille replied her gaze motioning towards me. Looking up, I nodded in response smiling at the man as I stood up to leave the bar.

"Follow me."


"That pendent around your neck, it belonged to your mother am I correct?" The man asked nonchalantly. Stopping, I turned to face him.

"How did you-"

"-most shields are known to have an item of jewellery significant to their family name. However, I must admit I haven't seen another of that authenticity." The man interrupted, straightening his suit as he waited for my reply.

"Who are you?" I questioned startled. I'd been in the presence of this man for under an hour and somehow he was aware of what I was.

"My name is Elijah Mikaelson." He spoke strongly. My eyes widened as sudden realisation set in.

"You're an Original." I asked in disbelief, my mouth slightly open as a smile spread across his features.

"So you've heard of me, good. Although the important question is who are you?" He questioned watching me curiously. Composing myself, I answered calmly.

"My name is Charlotte Grace, and this necklace belonged to my mother."

"Well Miss Grace, it's a pleasure to meet you." Smiling at him in return, I began to walk down the street.

"Well come on Elijah, you seem like a man on a mission and I think I know someone who can help."

Saving Graces//Klaus Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now